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You were fast asleep in Lance's chair with your head resting in your hand. You were tired after not sleeping very well the last couple of days. Lance bent in front of you and gently poked your cheek, causing your head to shift slightly.

"Lance, leave her alone. She's tired," Shiro softly scolded. Lance groaned lightly and straightened up, but stopped when he felt you grab his hand. You sat up in the chair and rubbed your eyes, opening them slowly.

"He's fine. I was awake anyways," you said quietly. Lance looked at your connected hands and blushed ever so lightly.

"Why didn't you sleep in your room?" Pidge asked from across the room.

"P/n was acting weird, so I decided to leave her alone for a little," you replied, standing up and letting go of his hand, much to his disappointment. "So what's been going on? What did I miss?" You crossed your arms.

"Oh nothing important. We've just figured out a way to defeat Zarkon," Lance replied, crossing his own arms.

"Really? I was asleep for like ten minutes," you replied.

"You've been asleep for three hours," Pidge corrected. You smiled nervously before looking front and seeing the same large hologram of Zarkon's ship.

"So what's the plan?" You asked.

"The plan is amazing!" Lance replied while running up to the hologram.

"First, we infect Zarkon's ship with a virus," he began, poking it, and making the outline of it turn red. He then slid over to the other end. "Then we make an extra large wormhole and lure Zarkon inside of it, zapping him a bajillion light years away." He pressed some buttons and created a holographic wormhole that engulfed the ship and disappeared.

"Then, when he pops out on the other side, all like, "oh why doesn't my ship work?" Voltron kicks his butt! Pew, pew, pew! Womp womp womp! Huh! Hi yah! I'll form the head! That's what you say, Shiro." He ran in front of all of them one at a time. "Yeah, yeah. Yeah! We won for all time!"

"Wow. So this is it," Hunk said. There was a moment of silence.

"I guess the only question is, when to we strike?" Pidge asked. Coran pulled up a holograph screen

"As soon as we build a teleduv big enough to wormhole Zarkon's ship," he replied, pulling up an image.

"Oh man. The teleduv again? Does that mean we need more scaultrite?" Hunk whined.

"That's just one of the many things we'll need," Allura replied.

"Am I uh... am I sensing a trip back to the space mall here?" Hunk asked.

"I'm afraid not. This is gonna take a lot more scaultrite than we can find in any Unilu shop. For this plan to succeed, we're gonna need to split up. We all have a task to do," Coran replied.

"Keith, Hunk, you'll be in charge of getting the scaultrite. If any one of us fails, the entire plan fails."

Shiro and Keith gave each other a bro hug while Hunk and Pidge were violently shaking hands with tears streaming down their faces. You walked up to Keith when he pulled away and slapped him on the back of the head, smiling at him. He sent a small smile back before turning his head past you. You looked behind you and saw Allura looking at him before turning her head away. You growled lightly, but stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked back at Keith who shook his head lightly. You sighed, but calmed down. Keith and Hunk boarded the Yellow Lion before taking off.

You had decided to stay back with Allura to go to the Balmera to retrieve the crystal. You've never been to the Balmera, so this should be fun.

"We're arriving at the Balmera now," Allura called to you. You nodded and stood up. The two of you descended onto the ground in a pod and exited, being greeted by the Balmerans. The land seemed barren with the exception of the crystal fields that littered the ground. There were still some remaining Galra tech from when they were captives. You walked behind Allura when you both exited the pod with P/n on your shoulder once again.

"The Balmera welcomes your return, Princess Allura," the elder one greeted.

"Princess, did Hunk accompany you?" Shay asked.

"I'm sorry Shay, but I've come alone with Y/n. The others are on missions of their own, collecting important elements that we need to defeat Zarkon," Allura replied.

"Defeat Zarkon? How can we help? The Balmera and its people can never thank you enough for all that you've done," the elder one asked. Your head turned in the direction of the large mountain of crystal. Inside of it seemed to be something, but you couldn't make it out properly.

"If the Balmera will give it, I need a crystal," Allura explained.

"Battleship class?" Shay asked.


You, Allura, and the Balmerans were in an underground cavern standing before a large crystal that was bigger than some of the lions. P/n jumped off of your shoulder and ran up to it, sniffing it.

"When the Galra were here, these caverns were closed off. As if the Balmera was protecting itself. Now that the Balmera is free and healed, the crystal caverns are opened once more," Shay explained before Allura walked up to the crystal. She placed her hands on the crystal and a soft blue light emitted from her hands. The Balmeras kneeled to the ground and the same blue glowing light appeared, and spread through the Balmera. While they did that, you were just awkwardly standing there, unsure of what to do, but decided to just stare at what was happening. Halfway through the ceremony, there was a rather large rumble from above you. You and P/n knew it wasn't from the crystal either.

"The crystal has been loaded onto your castle, Princess."
You and the rest of them were back up on the surface near the castle. Allura hugged both Shay and the elder Balmeran.

"We wish you could stay longer. I made you stickercup stew for the sky road," the grandmother said, holding out a bowl full of... enlarged worms?

"Oh, thank you. I'm sure I shall enjoy this... immensely," Allura replied awkwardly. To be honest, you felt as if you weren't included on this mission. Of course you didn't know them as well as Allura, but still. "To all you Balmerans, thank you once again." There was a large rumble that shook the ground. Gasps rang out through the air.

"What was that?" Allura asked. Your head turned to the large crystal mountain and saw it beginning to crack apart. A piece of the crystal broke away and fell to the ground. As the hardened crystal was breaking apart, the Balmerans ran in the opposite direction, screaming and yelling in terror. The last of the crystal broke and the robeast was operational again. Two large pieces of crystal, which were now shades of purple, rose from the ground and acted as shields. Allura ran back to the pod while P/n grew and allowed you into the helm.

"We don't know what this bitch is capable of, so shoot at it," you said, thrusting the handle forward. P/n shot a laser at it, but the crystal shields moved in front of it and protected it. The crystals separated and the robeast charged its laser at the front of his chest and shot a powerful green beam at you. You evaded it, but the laser hit the castle. Thankfully the particle barrier was up, but you knew it was severely weakened by it.



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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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