Good kitty

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The building around you began to shake and crumble, and you immediately knew it was the red lion. One of the Blade's ran into the room.

"The Red Lion is attacking the base! It's trying to break through!" He informed.

"It has a link with Keith. It knows when he's in danger. It's coming for him," Shiro explained. You all grunted when a large piece of debris crashed into the ground. You looked at all of them before running and jumping into the air, making a ramp of ice that you slid on and out of the room. Shiro followed you with the Blade's not that far behind you. You ran into the room where Keith was, right as he woke up. You bent down and held him up.

"Keith, are you alright?" You asked.

"Stop what you're doing!"
You turned towards the exit and saw the five Blade's standing in front of it. Shiro joined your side.

"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Keith asked as you secured his arm around your shoulders. The building shook once more, destroying it even more.

"Call off your beast!" Kolivan ordered.

"Move out of the goddamn way! We're leaving!" You exclaimed.

"You're not leaving with that blade. It does not belong to you. You failed to awaken it!"

"What does that mean!?"

"Give up the blade!" Antok ordered, unsheathing his sword and running up to you three. Lightning crackled around your eye. You let go of Keith and ran up to counter him with lightning sparking around your hand. Ice coated your hand like armor as you collided with his sword.

"Wait! Just take the knife!"
You turned your head to look at Keith, relaxing your body.

"It doesn't matter where I come from. I know who I am. We all need to work together to defeat Zarkon. If that means I give up this knife, fine. Take it," Keith said while holding it out. The symbol on the blade glowed before a bright light emerged from it.

"You've awoken the blade!"
The bright light died down and the knife transformed into a sword.

"The only way this is possible is if Galra blood runs through your veins," Kolivan explained. Your eyes widened significantly.

'Galra... blood?' So... you weren't the only half Galra on the team anymore? Curiosity rushed through you.

You, Keith, Shiro, and Kolivan were in the Red Lion flying back to the castle. You stared in front of you, almost in a trance.

'Keith is half Galran? So that means I'm not alone, but how? Was it his mother who was Galran? What happened to her? What about his father? Who just fucks a random alien from outer space?' Thoughts and questions swirled around your head.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Shiro asked, placing a hand on your shoulder. You snapped out of it and immediately nodded.

"Yeah, yeah! Don't worry, I'm just thinking," you replied, sending him an uneasy smile. The castle was in view and you exited out of the blue star, and loaded back onto the castle into the Red Lion's hangar. Red's mouth opened and the four of you walked out of it. Kolivan's face mask disappeared.

"Princess Allura, it's good to see that the rumors are true. You're still alive after all these years," he greeted, kneeling and bowing to the floor.

"So is Zarkon. Can we consider you our ally in the fight against him?" Allura asked, and you could tell she was being a little defensive.

"Yes, but we have little time to discuss this. I just received word from our spy inside the Galran hierarchy. They have become aware of our presence so the timetable for our plan has been moved up," Kolivan replied, standing up.

"How soon do we need to begin?" Shiro asked.


You sat on your bed, looking down at the ground. P/n was lying next to you, curious as to why you seem so unsettled.

"Tell me the truth? Lying to me? About what?" You muttered, rolling your crystal necklace between your fingers. P/n, suddenly alarmed, stood up and nipped at your hand, trying to get the necklace. You held it up and away from her, standing up, and staring at her in confusion and shock.

"P/n? What was that?" You asked, seeing her get into a pouncing stance. "What's gotten into you?" You took a step back. You saw her eye the crystal which made you turn your head to it.

"Is there something wrong with the crystal?" You asked, holding it down in front of you. P/n barked urgently, as if telling you to drop it. "What's the matter? You've never acted like this." You clenched the crystal in your hand. P/n growled and jumped to it. She didn't try and bite you, but she tried to get it out of your hand. You moved out of the way and secured it around your neck.

"What the hell, P/n? Do I have to ask Pidge if you've been hacked or something?" You asked. P/n whined and jumped back onto your bed, lying down and closing her eyes. You just stared at her in utter bewilderment.

'What... was that?' You thought, slowly exiting your room. You walked down the hallway slowly, not really paying attention to where you were going or heading.

'Something about this necklace made P/n so uneasy... so much so she even tried to take it from me... what's going on?' You thought, entering the control room to see a large holographic scale of Zarkon's ship. To your left Hunk was asleep in his chair. You sighed and walked over towards Shiro, staring up at the ship.

"What's been going on?" You asked.

"We were figuring out a plan to defeat Zarkon," Shiro replied quickly, never taking his eyes from in front of him.

"Will it work?" You asked bluntly, crossing your arms.

"It should. Or at least we hope it should," Kolivan replied.

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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