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You were lying in bed, sleeping soundly with P/n on a pillow next to you when alarms suddenly began blaring. You and P/n immediately snapped up, wide awake.

"Everybody up! Zarkon's attacking!" Allura's voice rang through the intercom. You and P/n immediately jumped out of bed and changed into your armor with a snap of your fingers. "The castle's about to be destroyed!"

"We get it!! You grumbled angrily, running out of your room with P/n running at your side.

"Go! Go! Go! We need Voltron now!"
You and P/n slid down another hallway.

"Hurry! We can't survive much longer!!"


"Oh no! Allura is dead! Her head fell off!"

"The fuck...?" You muttered under your breath with Shiro joining and running at your side together, joined by the others.

"Hunk, why are you still in you pj's?" You asked, staring at him with a raised brow.

"I fell... a lot..." He replied. You all entered the main control room with the exception of Lance, but everyone was dressed. Except Hunk. The alarms weren't blaring anymore and there weren't any purple cats sending laser beams at you.

"So... I guess this isn't an actual attack?" You asked, raising a brow.

"No, and It's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran?" Allura asked.

"Seventy-five degrees," he replied. You and P/n glanced at each other. "... oh, sorry. This is a meat thermometer." You sighed and P/n huffed.

"However long it was, it was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you! Only Shiro and Y/n are in uniform! Keith, Pidge, Hunk, where are your bayards?" Allura chastised.

"And where the fuck is Lance?" You piped up. On cue, the doors opened and Lance appeared, calmly walking into the room with his pajama's still on. You sighed and slapped your hand against your face and P/n whimpered, rubbing her paws over her eyes. Lance yawned with a drink in his hand.

"Good morning everybody. What's going on?" He asked casually.

"Oh lord..." You cringed, looking at him with utter disbelief. P/n whined and pawed your back, causing you to turn around to face her. "Yes, he is actually a Paladin."

"Coran and I have been up for hours getting the castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed," Allura glared at everyone, placing her hands behind her back.

"Hey," Hunk started, but was interrupted by a yawn. "You got to sleep for 10,000 years, man. Monday night, I was on earth. Now I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle. That's a lot to process in, uh... I don't know, what day is it today?"

"It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement. Hump day!" Coran answered.

"Come on... I thought we got rid of that nickname."

"You must understand the stakes of our mission. Over the last 10,000 years, the castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations. So we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe. Earth is here. An attack on your planet is inevitable," Allura explained, moving a map of constellations.

"Well shit," you bluntly said.

"Exactly. Our mission is to free all those planets. Coran and I are getting the castle ready to leave Arus. During that time, you have to learn how to form Voltron, so we can begin fighting Zarkon." 

"What should P/n and I do?" You asked, raising your hand. Allura turned her attention to you.

"Help them. Your natural ability to sort out things will help the team grow," Allura replied. You nodded, a smile on your face.

"The Princess is right. Let's get our lions and start training," Shiro said.

"Wait. But I want to talk to the prisoners we rescued from the Galra ship," Pidge interrupted.

"Negative number six. I have you ranked by height, okay?" Coran said, bending down to Pidge. An irk mark appeared on your head. You're taller than Pidge, but shorter than everyone else. "The prisoners need to remain in the cryo-replenishers until tomorrow."

"That's right. Now get to your lions," Allura said with a stoic face. Everyone turned and walked to their repective pods. You turned and began to run to the exit. Your ice blue eyed glowed, and P/n grew to her full size. The other four joined you and landed on the ground. All except the Yellow Lion.

"Uh... should I go look for him?" You asked awkwardly. On cue, said lion flew down from the sky.

"Hi guys, sorry everybody. Seriously though, can't they park these things like a little closer to the bridge?" Hunk asked as he and everybody else turned around.

"All right guys. Let's just fly in tight formation until we're totally in sync," Shiro advised. Allura's face then popped up on the screen.

"Feel the bond with your lions and your fellow pilots until five become one unit, and you form Voltron!" Allura advised. The lions took off into the sky and you and P/n just watched.

"Let's see how long it takes these idiots to do it," you said, amused. P/n barked loudly in agreement. They flew around for like five minutes before landing back down on the ground. Your laughter was heard through the intercom. "Oh my god this is gold. You guys can't just expect to form Voltron like that, right?" You were still chuckling.

"Well then what should we do?" Keith asked, a little annoyed. You shrugged, your image appearing on each of their screens.

"I don't know, I'm not a part of Voltron. Maybe you'll do it if you stack on top of each other. Like literally build Voltron," you suggested.

"Like a cheerleader pyramid?" Lance asked, a little amused.

"You got a better idea?" You retorted, raising a brow before your image went away.

"It's worth a try," Shiro agreed.

Two minutes later~

"HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!" You fell out of your chair laughing, holding your stomach.

"Hunk, what are you doing?" Shiro asked, but you weren't listening, you were too busy laughing.

"What do you mean?" Hunk asked back.

"Yo-you-you're sup-posed to be the le-leg over there—HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" You couldn't help but break into another laughing fit still on the intercom. The five of them were silent, just listening to your laughing. Though they won't admit it, your laugh was really fricken cute. "Oh fuck a duck my heart—HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is the stupidest thing you've ever done!!!" You laughed for a good minute before you regained your composure.

"Okay... okay... I'm good. Sorry," you said, sighing and sitting back in your chair.

"Let's just do it my way." Shiro said after a moment of silence.

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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