A whole new wooooorld! And anger!

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"Woah! Y-Y/n!" Shiro exclaimed in shock. The ice slowly made its way towards Lubos and encased his legs so that he couldn't move. Something in you snapped. P/n was yipping at you, desperately trying to get you to calm down. Your anger was above and beyond what any meter could measure.

"You're no king," you said, the ice slowly inching up his body. Keith glanced at you, then at Lubos before he decided to do the most stupidest thing he's ever done.

"Y/n, stop!" He yelled, jumping at you and pushing you to the ground where you both fell. The ice shattered and released its hold on Lubos. Your eye went back to normal as you blinked owlishly. You then realized what happened and growled.

"Keith!" You exclaimed, shooting up from the floor and glaring down at him.

"Guards! Put them all out of their misery."
The sound of guns being cocked drew your attention before a laser beam blasted through the wall, and the green lion appeared in the hole.

"Ride is here!" Pidge's voice echoed through the speakers.

"Engage the cube! Take down the lion!" The Commander ordered as the sentries began firing at all of you. You all made it to the hole, but you stopped and turning around, your Glacien eye blazing in rage.

"Leave us alone!" Ice exploded from under you and encased the sentries, freezing them. They tipped over and shattered into thousands of shards. You jumped off of the floor as P/n enlarged and caught you in her mouth.

"The cube is operational. We've got to get back to the other lions and form Voltron!" Shiro ordered.

"On it!"
P/n and the green lion took off the moment the cube began to follow you.

Lubos was thrown to the ground by you in front of the other Olkari who gasped in shock.

"What's going on?" Ryner asked.

"While your countrymen starved, King Lubos was well taken care of by the Galra. He willingly helped them build that cube, willingly helped to enslave his own people, " Shiro replied. You walked away and were leaning on a tree farther away, your arms crossed and your Resting Bitch Face™ plastered on your face. Keith and Lance looked back at you in concern, but made no attempts to approach you. "I know you're devastated, but it's time to be strong and use your Olkari spirit to fight alongside Voltron and take back your planet!" Ryner gazed at Shiro for a moment before turning her head towards Lubos.

"Lubos, how could you?" She asked him.

"I... I was only trying to—"

"Enough! We must free our people!"
Cheers erupted from all of the Olkari surrounding you all. Shiro felt someone nudge his side and he looked down to see Pidge jerk her head in your direction. He turned his gaze over to you and sighed quietly before walking up to you.

"Y/n?" He called, nervous, and not wanting to provoke you. You glanced up and pushed off the tree, straightening up.

"What?" You asked, trying not to come off as hostile.

"Are you alright? You were acting strange back there," Shiro asked, placing his hand on your shoulder. You uncrossed your arms.

"Yeah, I've calmed down. I don't think I'm mad anymore," you replied. Shiro smiled and removed his hand.

"That's good. We were worried."
You smiled up at him before walking over to Keith and smacking him square on the back. He grunted and fell forward.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, turning his head to glare at you.

"Thanks for bulldozing me over. Chances are, you'd all be popsicles if you hadn't," you said with a smile. Keith's face turned blank at the sudden appreciation.

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