*Soft Piano Melody* //Deep breath// AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

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Pssst... hey. Copy and paste the link, pussy. I dare you. I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you



You jumped farther away when the blades whipped around blindly. You avoided the tips of them and created your sword. The metal and ice collided into each other. Sparks flew, as did emotions. A ball of energy grew in your hand and you threw it. It smashed into her. Lightning crackled around her body and you thought for sure she shorted out. Until, of course, her eyes changed from red to purple. The same ball of energy was created by her mouth before it shot at you. Harder, stronger.

You created a thick wall of ice, but it just blasted through it. You jumped out of the way before the beam could hit you. P/n charged you, whipping her tentacle blades again. You used your sword to deflect them all and directed more lightning at her. She just avoided it. With a groan of frustration, you ran at her. She roared again before sending flying missiles of blades. You used your ice to freeze them before breaking them when they came too close to you.

"What's going on down there Y/n?!" You heard Coran ask.

"NOT RIGHT NOW!!!" You yelled back, crossing your blades with hers.

"Come on P/n," you said quietly, "Please don't make me do this." Her eyes seemed to glow brighter. Eyes tearing up again, your blue eye clouded over with an icy appearance. You grabbed onto P/n's leg, a thick later of ice coated her exterior. She roared and tried to stab you, but you used your sword to deflect them. When she was covered in enough ice, you switched powers. Lightning roared through her body. She let out a loud cry and it took all of your strength to keep going.

"I'M SORRY!" You yelled through her painful screeching. You finally pulled away and used your ice as a landing ramp. She twitched and jerked, blades and body malfunctioning.

"How's everything on your end?!" Lance called.

"NOT NOW LANCE!!" You yelled back. P/n shook herself out before running at you again. With another yell, you slammed both hands on the ground. A mountainous glacier of ice burst forth, freezing P/n inside. You placed your hands on the giant ice block and sent waves of lightning through them in a never-ending shockwave. P/n twitched and moved, but the combination of ice freezing her and the lightning wouldn't let her. Patches of blue appeared on your skin. You backed away from the block of ice and created a large dome around her. The ice was thick, and wouldn't be broken easily. You looked up at her. She was staring right back at you.

With a shuddering breath, you turned around and flew away, leaving her behind this time.
You looked around the planet for either the Paladins or Lotor. Which, surprise. You found Lotor first. Him and Zarkon were in the middle of a standoff. You landed on a large boulder behind and above Zarkon.

"Nice to see you again, Space Furry," you greeted. Zarkon's eyes narrowed, but you couldn't tell.

"You defeated P/n so easily?" He inquired. You glared at him.

"You'd be surprised at how well I know P/n. You may have changed her, but you sure as hell didn't change all of her." You stood. "You may not like it, but my power has exceeded far greater than anything in this universe. Including you, dear Father!" Zarkon's suit absorbed one of the containers filled with quintessence. His suit lit up in a bright purple.

"You want to see my power?!" He exclaimed, "The strength of the empire flows through my veins, and you will feel its wrath!" His raw power increased, and you could easily tell what would come about it. He first targeted Lotor, who used the black bayard. Zarkon's speed increased. Lotor lost sight of him. You didn't. You appeared behind Lotor and blocked a heavy kick from Zarkon who appeared through the dust. Your eye turned ice blue and ice coated his leg. He broke away before it could fully solidify. You pushed Lotor farther away. Zarkon launched at you again. You stood in front of him and created an energy shield, blocking him. He pushed against it. The shield turned into a lance and he punched it at the same time. A shockwave destroyed the ground below you. Through the dust, the lance turned into a flexible whip and wrapped around his arm. You hauled him into the air and smashed him into the ground.

"Your turn, pretty boy!" You called to Lotor, jumping into the air. Your wings materialized and you spectated from the air.

"How wonderful!" He exclaimed sarcastically. Zarkon recovered quickly and jumped into the air, planning to smash Lotor into a pulp. The latter moved out of the way before he could be squashed. While you watched Lotor and Zarkon fight, you noticed a Fighter rocketing down towards the ground. Right at them.

"Uggghhhh, give me a break!" You flew down towards the ground and made an ice shield above them. The Fighter crashed into the ice, setting of a large explosion. When your gaze came back down, Lotor was thrown into you. Both of you went tumbling meters away in a ball. You two landed right next to each other. Zarkon appeared above you, his suit absorbing another quintessence container. You stood up faster than Lotor, creating a long sword. It connected with his fist, sending another shockwave through the area. You stomped your foot on the ground. A thick pillar of ice appeared in your place. You zoomed around him to his back and summoned your sword, hitting one of the vials on his back. He screamed in pain, a large spark lighting up in your face.

He groaned, stumbling to his knees in front of you, but he didn't stay down for long. He quickly got up to face you. His suit shut down. That still didn't stop him from launching towards you. Instead, he passed you and body slammed into Lotor behind you. He went flying far away from you. You appeared right below him, catching him as he fell to the ground. You looked at his hands.

"Where's the black bayard?" You asked him. He looked past you. You looked behind yourself. Zarkon landed right above the kicked-away bayard.

"Balls..." You said, exasperated. Zarkon picked it up and held it out to you both, changing it into a giant gun.

"Your fleet has been destroyed," Lotor said, still leaning on you. "It's over." The gun charged up.

"It's over for you," Zarkon said. You shifted your foot. Ice spikes sprung up from the ground, encasing him. He shot off the gun. You pushed Lotor behind you and created your shield. A large explosion shot off.

 A large explosion shot off

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Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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