Coffee Shop

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A/N: just bc I'm too lazy to write anything for the other stories I might finish up Elevator today :3

Dans PoV:

I made my way into a small coffee shop around the corner of the street. It's the middle of winter which is freezing in London. Knowing my luck I forgot my phone so I didn't exactly have anything to do while sitting in the coffee shop trying to warm up.
I ordered my usual then sat down in a booth since almost every other seat was taken. The window was fogged up which was a good thing no one could really see me from the outside.

The bell above the coffee shop rang alerting co-workers that a customer had walked in or out. I jolted my head up because I was in my own little world and the bell scared me a little.
The man who had walked on had hair somewhat like mine except his wasn't curly like my it was straight and black. He had very pale skin and blue eyes. I turned my attention back to the window where I had rubbed a spot for me to see out of.

"E-Excuse sir do you mind if I sit here? every other seat is taken." The man asked.

"Go ahead." I replied and whispered a 'Thank You'.

I got bored enough to where I ended up drawing on the window.
I drew a sad face on the window which caught the black hair man's attention.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine I just forgot my phone at home." I replied.

"Oh I'm sorry I never told you my name, My name is Phil." Phil said.

"Dan, Dan Howell." I replied.

Phil and I carried on a small conversation about nothing really just getting to know each other better.

"I've got to go, see you later Dan." Phil said before handing me a small paper with his number on it.

The paper read:
'Call me later :) xxx-xxx-xxxx ~Phil'

I smiled at the note, but why would Phil want me to call him we just met.

By the time I had gotten back home my fingers were numb from the cold I fumbled in my pocket to find my keys, eventually found them.

Once inside my apartment I decided to try to warm up by bringing most of my covers into the lounge where the fireplace was going. I then got my laptop and decided 'Hey why not browse tumblr for countless hours' but then I remembered Phil had given me his number and I've got nothing better to do.

Me: Hey Phil

Phil: Oh hey! I didn't actually think you'd text me.

Me: well I could go browse tumblr for countless hours or talk to someone

Phil: sounds like something I would do when I've got nothing better to do

Me: well my hands were completely numb by the time I got back to my flat

Phil: same but you know there's this thing called a taxi

Me: yeah but I could walk home and it only takes like ten minutes so why waste money on a taxi

Phil: true, do you think we could maybe go out for coffee again sometime?

Me: maybe.


I've been friends with Phil for about eight months now, I think I may like him more than a friend and I think he may think the same.

Me: hey Phil do you think you could come over today? I need to talk to you.

Phil: okay I'll be there in a few.


Only about twenty minutes later Phil was at my place.

"So what'd you want to talk about?" Phil asked.

"Well it's very important to me and if it goes wrong I don't know what I would do." I said.

"Well what is it?" Phil asked.

"Well let me just say I have this friend, my best friend actually and I've known him for a really long time now. Annnd I think I may like him more than a friend." I said.

"Awh who's the lucky guy?" Phil asked.

"I've only got one best friend." I said.

"And who's your best friend then?" Phil asked with a confused expression.

"Phil you're my best friend." I paused. "And I really like you and I hope you fe-" did he just? Yes yes he did. Phil just kissed me. It didn't take long for me to kiss back but then he pulled away.

"Does that answer your question?" Phil said.

"Yeah." I replied still a little in shock to what had just happened.

"So are we a thing now?" Phil asked.

"Yes you idiot, if you want that." I said.

"Well I'd love to be your boyfriend." Phil replied and I kissed him again.

A/n: CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE. This turned out cute but it's cringey as well anyways I'm going to try to finish Elevator today bc Idk what to write about and Elevator has just went downhill so I'm going to try to end it soon.

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