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Summary: Phil is stressed and dan cuddles with him all day to make him feel better
Word count: 295
Warnings. FLUFF

Phil's POV:

I'm never going to finish this Video, everything has been keeping me really stressed lately. I don't know what I'm going to do, I've got to edit my video then go help dan film a gaming video and after that we have to start planning everything for tour.

"Phil?" Dan said walking into the upstairs lounge where I was.

"Over here." I replied.

"Phil, are you sure you don't want to take a break from editing?" Dan asks.

"I'm sure, I need to finish this by Friday and it's Wednesday." I said.

"Phil baby, come on it's obvious you're tired and need a break I can re you're stressed." Dan said grabbing my hand and lifting me from the chair.
He pulled me into a tight hug rubbing small circles on my back in a comforting way.

"I just don't know what to do anymore, everything has been keeping me stressed lately." I said and he continued.

"Its Okay." He said then pulling away from the hug and looking into my eyes.

"Hey how about we cuddle for the rest of the evening." Dan suggested, I smiled and nodded in response but decided to save what little I had started editing on the video.
But that's exactly what we did, we cuddled for the rest of the evening and I had never been happier.

A/N: it's currently 3:08AM and I can't sleep, I think I'm an insomniac I do this often like I could stay awake from now and not be tired later. Anyways my phone is dying and I'm no where near an outlet or my charger haha why

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