I Blame Instagram

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Summary: instagram glitches and posts a phan related pic then dan has to explain in his liveshow
(What am I doing)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 729

Dans POV:

Sometimes apps glitch, sometimes it's not so bad others well it's pretty bad. Instagram glitches big time, instead of post a picture of the view from the hotel like I wanted it posted a picture of phil and I from New Years. Were we kissing in the picture? Yes. Did everyone find out? Uh yes. Is everything okay? NO NOTHING IS OKAY! We weren't ready for this but I guess instagram is like "oh boy I know about all of these picture in your camera roll like this it's been eight years buddy it's time!" Thanks. I've emailed Instagram and told them what happened and they've apologized but it's a little too late for that. Thanks to literally everyone having on post notifications at least fifty thousand seen it so it was too late to take it down and not acknowledge it again.
Maybe we could explain in a live show, that seems a bit reasonable.
Phil had found out literally once it happened because I was freaking out. He said it was fine and we should just explain since so many people had seen it and probably saved it.

"Do you think we should acknowledge this now?" I asked.

"Probably or it's just going to get worse." Phil says. I nodded and walked around trying to find my laptop only to find it laying on my bed. I then met with Phil again in the upstairs lounge.
Once we were settled on the sofa I opened up younow and loaded up the stream, people started to join and began flooding the chat with hello's.

"Explain the picture dan! Says Sofia." I read from the chat.

"Well, I know at least half of you have seen it by now and probably saved it. That's why it hasn't been deleted but, that's not photoshopped. That actually happened." I said smiling as everyone flipped out.

"Okay okay I'll give you a minute to freak out." I said laughing as the chat was flooded with 'OHMSHEVSH' and other things.

"So I guess it's safe to say we're officially together." Phil says.

"Yeah a whole six and a half years." I say.

"Guys pls get married! Says Michele, maybe someday. If Dan would be up for it and spending the rest of his life with me." Phil says.

"Well, I've known you since o was eighteen and I've spent a long time with you. I would be up for it." I said looking over to Phil and then back to the chat.

"Should we answer some questions you guys have?" I asked.

"What happened and why did the picture get uploaded? Says arandomfan, well instgram glitched and now here we are." I say.

"Zoe asks, do you ever get upset with each other?" Phil says.

"Sometimes but we always make up I don't think that we could ever actually be angry with each other." He replies to Zoe's question.

"Last one then we're going to go get food because we haven't ate since noon" I say and look for a question in the chat,
"Jackie asks would you ever consider adopting? I would love to one day but I don't think we're ready right yet." I say. Phil agreed and we discussed what it would be like if we ever did adopt, the chat was still trying to recover from what just happened, but it was time to end the stream. So we did, we all said our goodbyes then the stream ended.

"I didn't think they would take it that well, but I'm shocked." I say looking over to Phil after shutting my laptop off.

"Same, I knew they would all flip out but I thought they wouldn't really accept it." Phil says.

"Yeah But now we know they've all liked the idea of us being together for years." I said.

A/N: just going to end this here, mainly bcs I'm sleepy and what else could I put???
Anyways happy New Year! And BTS's performance was GREAT and I did the thing dan tweeted about hello internet and the new year IT ACTUALLY WORKED AND I DIED LAUGHING
If you want to see it I posted it on Instagram (wayywardhowell) and it was great

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