A Sleepless Night With Phil

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Summary: Phil does another sleepless night with Phil, but Dan is in bed next to him and they end up making cookies at 3am
Word Count: 732
Warnings: Fluff :3

Phil's POV:
"Hey guys it's currently one in the mornings" phil said greeting the camera but whispering instead of talking in his normal voice.

"I have to whisper because Dan is asleep next to me." Phil explained. He ended up going into the lounge a lot quicker than normal so he wouldn't wake Dan.

Dans POV:

I woke up at about one thirty, I rolled around on the bed a bit before realizing that phil wasn't in the room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes a bit before going to find him.

"Phil what are you doing up?" I said walking into the new lounge and scaring him just a little.

"I couldn't sleep, so I'm continuing the sleepless night with Phil series." Phil said.

"Mind if I join in?" I asked.

"Sure come have a seat." Phil said patting the sofa.

After a few minutes of just talking to the camera I had an idea.

"Hey Phil." I asked now laying with my head in his lap.

"Yeah." He replies playing with my curls.

"Want to bake cookies?" I asked sounding a bit like an excited five year old.

"At this early in the morning?" He asked.

"Well yeah, it's not the first time we've baked something this late." I added. Phil agreed to the activity and we made our way to the kitchen. Phil also told the camera/viewers what we were doing.

We ended up baking a Delia Smith chocolate chip cookie recipe, and just by the smell after a few minutes of being in the oven they smelt amazing.

"What do you want to do for twenty more minutes?" Phil asked.

"Cuddle and watch an anime?" I suggested, Phil smiled and took my hand as we walked into the downstairs lounge. We snuggled close to each other under a blanket and watched anime until the timer for the cookies went off.

"Hey Phil." I said catching his attention, he was almost asleep. He hummed in response.

"The cookies are ready." I Said, he nodded and we both got up making our way into the kitchen.
After getting the cookies out of the oven we let them cool down a little before trying them.

"Alright, the cookies are cool now. Will the be a flop like every other baking disaster?" Phil said to the camera.

"Probably like every other attempt in baking." I Said off camera before stepping back into frame.

I picked up one of the best looking cookies and bit into it, they weren't really a flop but actually pretty good.

"These are amazing." I said continuing to eat the cookie.

"It wasn't a flop, but these would probably be really good with a hot drink or something." Phil said.

"Well I know what I'm doing when we finished this video." I said laughing a little.
After saying that we ended the video then decided to not eat anymore cookies and get on a sugar high before trying to go back to sleep.
"I'm starting to get tired." I Said with a yawn.

"Agreed." Phil replied cleaning up a bit of the mess from the baking.

"How about after we clean everything we go to bed." I Said wrapping my arms around phil, he turned around now facing me and placed his hands on my hips and mine draped around his neck.

"Or we could do this." He said before leaning in and kissing me softly.
I smiled into the kiss, the kiss turned into individual little kisses until we both pulled away smiling.

"Want to go to sleep now?" I asked leaving my arms where they were and so did Phil.

"Let's go." He said now pulling away from the embrace and turning off all of the light before we headed back to bed.

A/N: well, today has been terrible other than that I've finally continued drawing the self titled album cover and it's turning out pretty good I've got so much more detail to add though. After weeks of procrastination that is, I'm never going to finish this. Procrastinating is one thing I'm good at hah unless it comes to updating this phan fluff story thing I'm decent at updating this I guess

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