"If I Never See You Again...."

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Summary: Phil dreams that dan will reject his confession of feelings for him, he packs his stuff irl and goes to leave...you'll have wait to find out what happens next :P

Word count: 457
Idea Credit: @dany_elizondo

Phil's POV:
*Dream* (italics)

"Dan, can I talk to you?" I say approaching dan in the lounge.

"Sure what's up?" He says sitting his laptop to the side, I sat down next to him.

"This is kind of important." I said nervously, dan looked at me with a concerned look normally things like this aren't good, but this time it is....hopefully.

"Go on." He said motioning for me to continue talking.

"I've been in love with you for the past five years, and I don't know how else to say it but I love you." I said a little rushed.

"I'm sorry Phil, I don't feel the same way." He said before getting up, grabbing his laptop, and leaving to his bed room. He left me I. The lounge in shock and also feeling really depressed now.

*Dream Over*

I knew I shouldn't have had a few cups of coffee before taking a nap, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!
Dan would never love me, Maybe I should just leave. He only likes me as a friend and we all know he doesn't like me.

I pack my suitcase and leave a note on my bedroom door letting dan know I wouldn't be back.
As I approached the door I looked around and tried remembering all of the good memories. Here goes nothing.

Dans POV:

"I'll never be back, I'm sorry dan." Was the last sentence on Phil's note. Not on my watch mr.lester.
I ran down the steps hoping he was still there, he was about to leave.

"D-Dan what're you doing?" He Says questioning why I've grabbed his wrist.

"If never see you again, I just want to say I love you." I said, Phil smiled and let go of his suitcase and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you too!" He Says still hugging me, by now I'm hugging him back.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear that?" Phil said pulling away from the hug, we were both smiling.
"Years dan, Years." He Says.

"Well then, I guess you aren't leaving?" I said, he turned and looked back at his suitcase and shook his head 'no'.
After this we both went back into the lounge and snuggled up on the sofa together and watched an anime.

A/N: thanks for such an amazing idea!
ALSO I may or may not like BTS now....someone recommended me a song and now I'm like
"I can sense a new obsession coming soon...."

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