Coffee Mornings

639 21 7

Summary: Phil's makes dan a coffee in the morning and dan walks up behind phil and hugs him
Word Count: 388
Warnings: None
Dan's POV:

Mornings are the best, that is if you aren't waking up early. The sun shining the the curtains normally isn't fun as soon as you wake up, blinding that's how you'd describe it. At least it wasn't the alarm clock blaring as a wake up call. No it's the weekend, no waking up early to go to meetings about touring and other things. Not having to dress nice to go outside but to dress comfortably and stay indoors and play video games wit your boyfriend. Speaking of, should probably go check on him. He woke up early so he either a.) is making breakfast or b.) went out to the store and isn't back yet.

As I slowly get out of bed, I grab my phone from the bedside table and head downstairs. As I'm walking down the stairs, the smell of bacon and pancakes fill the Hall.

Before speaking, I peak around the corner of the wall to see Phil in the kitchen making breakfast.
I stay silent and walk up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Morning." I say as he continues cooking.

"Good morning, sleep well?" He replies.

"Better than usual, it's the weekend so it doesn't really matter." I say.

"But it is better than waking up early." Phil adds.

We continue talking as I stay in the same spot slowly rocking back and forth and he cooks breakfast.
Mornings like this are rare now, we've been too busy planning for touring and making videos, possibly even planning another book and new Merch. There's not been much time for anything, everyone is getting worried that we're too busy planning to upload, which is somewhat true.
Whenever we're had the chance to have a morning like this, we've taken that chance and enjoyed it.

A/N: Okay a few things to say.
I may start these oneshots again, I just need IDEAS IVE RUN OUT OF CREATIVITY!
2.) That Picture dan posted early was amazing I'm dead now okay, I've died and I'm writing this from the after life.
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