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Summary: dan is doing phan art and tries hiding it from Phil but he finds it later on in the day
Word count: 534
Warnings: None

Dans POV:

"Oh my god this looks amazing." I say to myself as I finish up on a drawing I did. It definitely isn't phan art, wink wonk. Okay maybe it is.

"Dan I'm home." Phil calls out as he enters the flat.

"Okay." I say then realize I've got a drawing out on the table, where do I put it? Ummm, THERE! I ran over to the little table in the lounge and pulled the drawer out and placed it in there, hopefully he won't see it or find it.

"Welcome back." I say then sitting back at the table.

"Drawing again?" He Says.

"Yeah, why not try something new." I say. He doesn't know, he couldn't ever find out.

"Well I'll leave you be, I'm going to go put these away then continue editing my video before uploading it later.

Phil's POV:

"Finally." I sigh as I had just finished editing, I clicked on upload then headed into the lounge to watch tv while it uploads.

Dan wasn't drawing anymore probably in his room on tumblr.
As I walked into the lounge the remote wasn't in its usual place, it's probably gone missing again.
I looked under the cushions on the sofa and on the table. I checked the drawers too but that's when something caught my eye, it was phan art? I know it wasn't one the viewers had given us because this was like holding hands relationship phan art.
Did dan draw this? I should go ask him.

"Uh dan?" I say knocking on his bedroom door.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Can I come in?" I ask, a muffled "yes" is heard and I opened to door. He was laying on his bed on his laptop.

"So I've got a question." I say as I walk over and sit on the edge of his bed. He moved his laptop away from him and sat up.

"So I was looking for the remote and I found something the drawer to the coffee table." I said.

"W-what was it?" He said stuttering.

"Well this." I said then showing him the art that I found.

"Did you draw this?" I say, dans eyes widen in shock and he looks as if he's about to cry.

"Don't cry dan, it's fine." I say and place my hand on his shoulder and he smiles.

"Do you ship us?" I asked.

"Maybe, Do you?" He replied and I nodded.

"Thank god, I've liked you for the longest time and didn't know how to tell you." He says smiling then hugged me.

"Me too dan." I said then pulled away from the hug.

"So uh?" He pauses, "are we together now?" He asks.

"I guess so, I actually would like that." I say and he smiles then we ended up spending the rest of the day laying in his bed looking on tumblr.

A/N: I don't like dance class, a lot of the band is in here practicing and I'm like not wanting to dance because it's too many people.

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