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A/N from Kenzie: THIS WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME IT WAS WRITTEN BY MY FRIEND LAUREN AKA ColoursDJH she didn't want to publish it since I asked her to write this and it was sent to me

Summary: Dan is bored and messes with Phil (no smut just getting him all giggly and stuff)
Warnings: Slight swearing
Word count: 747

(While writing this my phone shut down fuck you iphone I was almost finished writing)

Dans POV:

For the past week Phil has been teasing me and I'm fucking tired of it.
Not like a sexual type of teasing, but like flirty fluffy teasing. Like yesterday, he acted as if he was trying to kiss me but just stuck his tongue out instead and then ran to his room. He's a dork but I love him.
As of now I'm walking around the flat in attempt to find him. Earlier today he told me he was going to be in the gaming room editing or in his room live-streaming.
First I went into the gaming room and he wasn't there so that let me know he was doing a livestream. I began walking towards his bedroom and I could hear him talking about something which sounded like mentioning hints about the new gaming video.

"Talking about the new gaming video?" I said leaning on his door frame.

"Jesus dan you scared me!" Phil said as he jumped and turned to my direction.

"But yeah, I was saying it would probably take forever to edit." He said as I walked towards him and sat down next to him.

Once I sat down I had the idea to wrap my arm around his side and Phil turned to look at me and gave me a look that said, 'I'm live please don't do this.'

"What?" I ask smirking.

"You've got an eyelash." Phil lied so the viewers wouldn't get too suspicious, even though there are hundreds of Phan Proof videos out there.

"Make a wish." He said, I rolled my eyes and decided to go along with it.

"That's what bo-friends are for." I Say as I blow the nonexistent eyelash away.
After that phil and I both talked to the viewers and then I had He idea to lean my head on Phil's shoulder.
I watched his reaction from the screen, his eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed pink and the chat blew up with 'OMFG PHAN DAN LOVES PHIL ITS CONFIRMED!'

"Omfg phan dan loves Phil says Caden, haha yes." I say.

"DAN!" Phil says and I realized what I had just said.

"I mean ironically. We're just friends hahaha" I say sarcastically, I mean half the things I do are ironic but there's no way they're believing that.

"It's too late dan we should just tell them." Phil says, he doesn't sound too upset but happy sort of.

"Fine, yes we're together calm your fucking theories now." I say.

"KISS!" Everyone says.

(A/N: wtf has this chapter turned to?)

We didn't listen to them but decided to end the stream.

"What was that all about?" Phil says now seeming a bit upset.

"All the teasing from the past week." I say.

"Teasing?" Phil says.

"Well yeah, so payback ya know." I say.

"So your idea of payback is outing us to eleven thousand?" Phil says.

"Hey that was an accident." I say.

"Even if you accidentally out us to that many people is doesn't really make a difference to purposely doing it." Phil says.

"Well we'd been talking about it so why not get YT over with?" I reply.

"I guess you're right." Phil says.

"Listen I'm sorry Okay, we should just stop the teasing games and move on." I say placing my hand on his knee.

"Yeah, still love you though." He Says.

"Love you too." I say then lean in to kiss him, but before I could I decided to do something.
I began ticking him then ran into the lounge.

"DAN!" Phil said laughing then running after me.
I turned the corner and hid in the kitchen but luckily Phil didn't see me.
Phil looked around the lounge for me, his back was turned away from the kitchen so I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"That was the last tease okay?" I say laughing.

"I'll believe it when you finally kiss me." He Says.

"Okay fine." I Say and turn him around and bring my lips to his.

"Happy?" I say and he nods.

A/N from Lauren: I'm not publishing this, I'm just sending it to my friend to publish it in her oneshot book. But this was fucked up.~Lauren

^its was weird cute and funny at the same time~Kenzie

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