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Summary: Dan gets bored and just lays on top of Phil and they fall asleep on the couch because dan is warm
Word count:446

Dans POV:

Why is everything so boring? I can't find anything to entertain myself, not even tumblr and that's saying something. Currently I'm sat in my lounge with Phil, we're both sitting on opposite ends of the sofa except he's laying down so he's taking up most of it.

"I'm bored!" I groaned.

"Go play a video game then." Phil says keeping his eyes on his laptop, he's editing a video.

"But you're my boyfriend, and we haven't cuddled in a couple days." I say.

"Maybe after I'm finished editing." Phil says

"Okay." I reply then go to play a game or find something to do.

Well that was still boring but it's been a while since I went to the gaming room. Maybe he's finished editing by now?

"Are you finished editing?" I say walking into the lounge to find Phil asleep in the sofa.
I walk over quietly and poke him to see how asleep he is.

"Okay then." I say quietly, he didn't wake up after poking him.
I careful manage to lay on top of him, and his instant reaction to it was to wrap his arms around me like he always does. I guess I should wake him now, so to wake him I hover my lips over his and softly kiss him. Phil opens his eyes and smiles,
"Great way to wake someone up." He Says, and kisses me again.

"Well, you wouldn't just wake up if poked you." I say.

"Well, that's true." He replies.
I lay my head down on his shoulder and slightly on his chest.

"you know what?" Phil says.

"What?" I replied.

"I think the viewers are going to like the new video, they'll be happy." He Says.

"Is it the video announcing our relationship?" I ask, phil then leans his head on my shoulder and yawns.

"Mhmm." He replies. Within minutes we ended up falling asleep together on the sofa. It was getting late but it's not the bed, the sofa is still okay though. Even if it has destroyed my spine, it's still one of the most memorable things we own.

A:N: that ending sucked (autocorrect just corrected 'sucked' to 'Suckled' wtf? 😂 I've never used that word before)
Anyways my phone is dying and I'm still not fully recovered from the pinof bloopers.
I mean I wasn't shocked when dan called Phil 'daddy' but Phil's has no expression which was making me question things. Then the ditty meme at the end. I'm just gonna go now.

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