Phan Texts (Part 3)

460 26 12

Summary: MOrE TeXtS
Word Count: 420
Warnings: None
Dan: Philip Lesty
Dan: Stop What you're doing and get in here
Phil: Where??????
Dan: the gaming room
Phil: Why?
Phil: oh

Phil: Dan!
Dan: What!
Phil: DOG!
Phil: Across the street
Phil: I just want a dog even more now
Phil: Some intense pigeon drama happening upstairs
Dan: again?
Phil: Omg the birds are fighting over a crumb
Dan: did you feed them?
Phil: no.......
Dan: I'll be there in a minute
Phil: Dan
Phil: Daniel
Phil: Danny
Phil: Danny boi
Phil: Dani Snot On Fire
Phil: DJ Howell
Phil: Daniel Lester....
Dan: ;)
Dan: Oops
Phil: too late now
Phil: anyways I may have accidentally set fire to the oven mits.... it's your choice if you want to believe it or not....
Dan: I leave for a day and I come to find out you've set fire to something
Phil: yeah so um we need some new oven mits because the others are destroyed
Dan: well go get some
Phil's POV:

Dan: Phil
Dan: Phil this is important
Dan: Phil seriously
Dan: it's really important and can't wait until you get back from your parents.
Dan: Phil?
Phil: sorry my phone was charging
Dan: Okay, So um I don't know anyway else to put this but
Phil: are you breaking up with me
Dan: NO
Dan: this is the complete opposite
Phil: then what is it
Dan: I think we should further our relationship
Phil: are you proposing?
Dan: maybe
Phil: but shouldn't it be irl and not over text
Dan: go open the door.
Phil: okay?

I went to open the front door and he was there, leaning up again the door frame with a small velvet box and a bouquet of red roses.

"So?" He smiles and pauses, "What do you say?" He Says.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Yes, a million times yes!" I replied, he hugged me then handed me the roses and opened the velvet box. Inside was a ring with "2009-Infinity" engraved on the inside.

A/N: Well school was on a 2 hour delay due to snow and icy roads. I hope it snows even more because we will possibly get out early tomorrow or school will be canceled woo.
Also, If net neutrality gets taken away I just want to thank you guys one last time for all the support and sticking around reading these~Kenzie

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