Children & Birthday Presents

454 16 3

Summary: they get their daughter a puppy for her bday
Word count: 580
Warnings: nothing
More parenting phan, sorry but these are adorable.

Dans POV:
It's about eleven o'clock at night, tomorrow is Harley's birthday and we have no idea what to get her. She's in the bed asleep now so we have a chance to talk about this.

"What should we get Harley for her birthday?" I say as Phil and I are both thinking of possible gifts for our seven year olds birthday soon.

"Maybe some toys?" He Says.

"She'll lose them." I say, Phil nods in agreement.

"I know!" Phil says smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"Maybe a puppy." He says smiling, we've all been thinking of getting a dog for a while now.

"Do you think we would be able to take care of a puppy and a seven soon to be eight year old." I reply.

"I'm sure." He says smiling before kissing my cheek and heading into the bedroom to go to sleep.

The next morning Phil got up super early to head to the shelter to get the puppy. We decided on a corgi since we were arguing over a shiba in hand a corgi to which one she would like best. We settled on a corgi because she's always talking about them.

"Dada where's papa?" Harley asks walking into the lounge where I was currently sitting.

"He went out to get your cake, don't you remember your party is today." I said as she walked over and sat down next to me. Harley then rested her head on my shoulder.

"Do you know when he will be back?" She asks.

"Maybe about fifteen minutes." I reply.

"Okay." She Says.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, she had just gotten up so there's a possibility she is.

"A little bit." She Says, I was feeling a bit hungry myself I hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

"Want to go make a couple bowls of cereal?" I say, she smiles and jumps up off the sofa.

"I'll race you to the kitchen." She yells, I smile and shake my head as I follow her into the kitchen.

After breakfast, Phil had returned. He told me that someone would drop the puppy off at around 5:30 which is when everyone should be here for her party.


Many of our friends from YouTube were here, our families and some family friends as well.
Harley was having so much fun at the party and surprisingly getting along pretty well with Louise's daughter Darcy.

"Doorbell!" Someone yelled out.

"I've got it." I say, Both Phil and I know what this is. Phil follows me down to the door to get the puppy that was being dropped off. After being handed the dog, Phil went upstairs to tell Harley there was one more gift.
Phil then signaled I could come back upstairs now.

"Happy Birthday Harley!" I say as I had her the small puppy.

"Oh my god! It's a real puppy!" She day beginning to cry happy tears.

"Thank you so much!" She Says hugging me then going to hug Phil.

"Best birthday ever." She Says continuing to pet the puppy. Let's just say, Harley forgot about the other gifts at this point.

A/N: well, I'm at school and it's freezing I'm wearing a sweater and I'm still cold. anyways, if you have any ideas you'd like to see in this one shot book I AM TAKING REQUESTS

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