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Summary: this is what has come from my lovely followers on Instagram, so if this is rlly messed up like the first chapter it's because it was being written like that with the help of my followers
Word Count: 1201
Warnings: none except for a lot of feels MANY FEELS

Dans POV:
Christmas was just around the corner, it was a nice cold day the only warmth was what was being emitted from the fireplace. The flat wasn't too cold, wasn't too warm either but was perfect enough to lay under a thicc blanket and scroll through tumblr.

"Dan have you seen the remote?" Phil says entering the lounge.


I walk into the lounge with a cup of coffee and messy hair.

Dan shook his head, "I think it was in my study." Dan didn't want to get up but he did want his husband to cuddle with him.

I go to the office and grab the remote before strolling back into the lounge.

"Why was it in the office?" I ask, Dan shrugs.

"You should know you put it there." I mumble.

"Stop." I gentle kick his shin giggling.
I immediately feel bad for hurting him even just the slightest, so I go over next to him on the sofa and begin cuddling him.

Lady door (why? 😂)

I walk out of the room to collect my laptop from where I was sitting only moments ago editing a video. I then asked dan to make some coffee.

Dan pops his head through the door looking really tried which makes me love him more and comments "meh" before waddling exhausted to the kitchen.
I think to myself, I love dan but what do I get him for Christmas? I wonder, a bike maybe? He would love that, although he never goes outside. Clothes? No it's not enough! What could it be?

He arrives in the room with a cup of coffee in his hand, he looked extremely tired to where he could fall asleep at any moment.
The rug was sticking up a bit so I got up to warn him. I was too late, my new jeans were covered in steaming hot coffee. I scream out in pain, although Dan managed to actually pass out and fall asleep. On the other hand I JUST HAD COFFEE SPILT ON ME THATS EXTREMELY HOT! My reflexes kick in and I gently push dan off of me, he woke up and realized what had just happened. I grab his arm before he could get up to help me and I sat him down on the sofa bed in the gaming room.

"Count to 60 with your eyes closed." I say as I lay him down.

"One, two, three, four fiv-" he's fallen asleep again.
I pull a blanket over him and go to change my now ruined by coffee jeans.

As dan is in deep slumber, I stared at his adorable dimples and perfect curls. His cuteness could be compared to none other than the fluffiest and sweetest animal. Then it hit me; I quickly ran down the road to get his gift.

I walk into a bear by store and search the aisles,
"No, no, nope, yes! This will do!" I say as I found the perfect gift.

I grabbed the lion plush and card, then proceeded to the check out. It's not much but he should like it. When I get back I see dan asleep and I wonder how I was so lucky to get such a wonderful man.

"Dan wake up." I whisper softly in his ear.

"Philllll." He whines, "why'd ya wake me?" He asks, I hand him the present which was wrapped nicely in black wrapping paper. His eyes lit up immediately I knew this was the right gift.

His smile when he's sees the present was worth all of the thoughts about what to get him bothering me. I smile with content.

"Thank you so much phil!" He exclaims happily.

I smile wider, I'm glad that he's happy. My eyes begin to close, I guess I'm tired. Right before I drift off to sleep I feel a nudge on my shoulder.

"Phil heres your present, I got it a while ago, because I was glad I found it. I hope you like it." Dan says. I can sense the nervousness seeping out of him, I pat his head.

"I'm sure I'll love it." I say grabbing the small box from his outstretched hand.
He smiles, "I hope so." He murmurs.

I slowly take off the wrapping paper not to damage it too much. And take out a small velvety box.

He squirms excitedly, "hurry up phil and open it already." He says smiling. I open the box and a gasp escapes my mouth and tears almost slip out of my eyes.
It's a necklace with a tiny door on it that says 'you opened the door to my heart.' Underneath the necklace is a tiny card.

It read:
"Phil, when I first saw a video of yours, I felt that cliche feeling of love at first sight and I know that you knew I didn't even exist which is why I internet-stalked you and tweeted you all those times so that you would realize my existence. And when we started talking, you wouldn't realize the joy I felt in my heart. And since then I never thought that we would become friends, much less husbands, so as I give you this necklace, I want you to know how much I love you AND how hard it was to write something this cheesy. I also need you to know that even after you die, I will find you in heaven and even in heaven, I'll marry you after death because I'm sure I'll still love you."

I life my tear filled eyes up to face dan, beautiful dan. I jump forwards and hug him which was probably one of the biggest hugs I could give.

"I love you so much dan!" I say, Dan chuckles.

"I love you so much too." A few moments He says nothing.

"Now phil, I love you. But you know how out of shape I am and even holding someone as skinny as you I'm running out of breath. Could you get off" He says, and I smile.

"Oops sorry." I say before moving away slightly.
I'm still in shock, a Happy shock though.

"Um Phil?" He Says and I look at him. "You're on my leg." He says.

"Right, Sorry." I laugh a little before we get up and go into the lounge.

"Love you dan." I say.

"Love you too phil." He replies.
After a few hours the sun began to set and I admired the sunset as Dan and I were cuddled up on the sofa.

I think of Dan and how happy the gift made me, and how lucky we are to be where we are right now. I feel like my life is complete. We're both looking at the sunset holding hands as we slowly fall asleep on the sofa.

A/N: you can thank my followers on Instagram for this beautiful mess of a story.

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