First Argument

682 19 12

Summary: this was such an old plot that I changed it and dunno how to to summarize it so deal with it
Warnings: None
Word count: 892
Dans POV:

It's February which means all of the gross couples will be showing their love and affections towards each other. Ew. Valentines Day has always been a gross holiday I've hated, mainly because I've been single my entire life. Now I know you're all like "but Dan you can spend it with friends, blah blah blah." No I'd rather spend it alone with some Japanese food and tumblr.
Unrelated but Phil has been quite distant lately, I mean I know we share an apartment but we're normally always hanging out or something. He's probably been busy filming a video, of another Phil mail thing. Dan mail hasn't returned from the war yet, probably should work on that though.

Anyways I'm currently in the kitchen looking for food in the kitchen before heading back to my room and scrolling through Twitter.

"Hey Dan?" Phil says walking into the kitchen where I was looking for food.

"Yeah?" I say closing the fridge.

"Did you get my message?" He asks.

"No? My phone isn't with me, but when I go back to my room I'll reply to it." I say and he smiles and nods before walking back to his room to do whatever.

I found a bag of Doritos and a drink and started to go back to my room.
When I picked up my phone I didn't have a message from Phil, but instead a ton of twitter mentions about something called 'Happy Valentines Day Dan.'
I opened twitter to see everyone talking about how Phil loves me?
My eyes widen with shock as I ran to Phil's room in panic.

"PHIL?!" I say

"Yeah?" He replies, "you got my message?" He says confused.

"It wasn't a message you uploaded the video to YouTube! And now everyone thinks we're dating." I say with a slight tone of anger in my voice.

"Dan I'm so so-"

"Forget it, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon." I say before leaving.

Phil's POV:
The flat got lonely, quick. Dan left not even giving me a chance to apologize or explain. I don't know where he went but he didn't come back for a few hours.
Eventually I gave up with messaging him as he didn't reply. So that's when I packed a small bag and left to my parents, I left a note on the counter Incase he decided to come back.

(Back to Dans POV)

When I left, I went to a close friends house to stay and asked to stay for a day or two.
Those two days passed quickly and I said goodbye and decided to go back home.
I couldn't leave Phil alone forever, he'd be so upset.
But I noticed something when I got back, all of the lights were off except for the kitchen light, it was on.
I went into the kitchen to find a note from Phil.

'Hey dan, if you see this I'm sorry. Please message me let me know your safe.-Phil'

I decided to message him, maybe he'd comeback.
Phil didn't hesitate to reply to the message, he went to his parents house and said he was coming back today as well. Now I just wait, I know that when he gets here we're more than likely going to apologize to each other and hopefully be in good terms again.

An hour had passed and then there was a knock at the door, Phil was back.
The door was unlocked so I didn't have to get up to let him in, I was sitting in the lounge scrolling through twitter on my phone as Phil came over and sat beside me.

"You know, you shouldn't pay attention to those people saying these things that cause us to argue like this." He Says.

"I know, it's just I didn't expect that video to be seen by anyone else all of a sudden." I reply.

"I know, I should have double checked what I was doing." Phil replies with a small laugh.

"So did you mean everything you said? Like you love me." I ask, Phil looks at me and smiles before nodding.
I sat my phone down on the chair arm and moved closer to him and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry about everything, us arguing me leaving without giving you a chance to say anything. I overreacted big time and I'm really sorry." I say.

"It's okay, this is all mostly my fault anyways." He replies.

"Well, you do love me right?" I ask.

"Yes, but do you love me?" He asks, my face goes slightly red and I nod.
We both smiled and just laughed a little.

"So what does this mean for us?" I asked.

"More than friends?" He replies.

"More than friends, I'd could go with that." I say smiling.
1.) BTS' don't leave me (Japanese comeback snippet that was released) IS SO GOOOOOOD LIKE JIMIN AND JINS VOCALS RM SINGING DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON TAE'S DEEP VOICE
2.)Burn The Stage, is gonna make me cry
3.) this plot is cringe
4.) sorry I've been gone so long haha

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