Tickel Fight

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Summary: They have a tickle fight and end up in a fit of giggles on the floor
Warnings: None
Word count:562

Dans POV:

How many times do I have to tell him to stop eating my cereal?!

"Phil?" I say from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He replies, he's probably farther into the flat since it was a bit difficult to hear him.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"In the downstairs lounge why?" He replies.

"Just wondering." I say, I sit the box of cereal back on the counter and make my way into the lounge.

"That was quick." Phil says as I walk into the room.

"Well, it's not that far from the kitchen." I say still standing. I have an idea to confront him from where he ate my cereal. I smirk and walk over to Phil and tackle in on the sofa and begin tickling him.

"Dan! Sto-why are you tickling me?!" He says laughing uncontrollably.

"How many times do I have to say stop eating my cereal until you'll understand." I say continuing to tickle him.

"I don't know." He says laughing.

"AGH IM FALLING IN THE FLOOR." He Says still laughing but also sort of shouting.

"If you go down, I'm going down with you." I say as I continue to tickle him and we both fall in the floor.

"Okayokay! Stop I'll stop eating your cereal" Phil says, I stop ticking him but I'm still sitting on top of him.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He Says.

"Okay but even though you did eat my cereal I still love you." I say.

"Even If you did tackle me, starting ticking me and we both end up on the floor. I still love you too." He replies.

"Okay." I say and go to get up.

Phil had other plans, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to the floor and sat on top of me and began ticking me.

"PAYBACK DANNY BOY!" Phil says and begins ticking me.

"NO! NOT THE NECK." I say as he tickled my neck then moved down to my sides.

This went on for about a minute and a half before I tried getting away by wiggling around to get Phil away from me.

"Okay okay stop!" I say still laughing a bit.
He backs off and sits in the floor and I sit up.

"Stop eating my cereal." I say and Phil smiles and nods.

"As long as you promise to not tackle me and start tickling me again." Phil says.

"Okay, it may happen but what if I tackle you on the couch and then just stay there." I say.

"I would be fine with that." Phil says.
We continued talking while sitting in the floor for a few minutes until we realized what time it was. It was about eight and one of our favorite shows was returning. One of us got up to make popcorn, that one of us being Phil since I burnt it the last time and caused the entire kitchen to smell like burnt popcorn for two days.
Once the popcorn was made we both settled down on the sofa and waited for the show to start playing.

A/N: Well it's p obvious i didn't know how to end this. And I'm rlly tired but there was no school today so that's good

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