Sleepy Children

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Summary: so you know how the Pomeranian fell asleep on dan(in the dan and phil and dogs video), well this is basically that but with a tiny child!
Word count: 288


Dans POV:
"Awh look!" Phil said whispering slightly, he was pouting at lily who had fallen asleep in my arms.

"And it appears that lily has fallen asleep on me." I said as Phil put the camera on me, I was holding our 6 month old adopted child. I slightly bounced her to get her to smile in her sleep while phil was filming.

"It's because you're so warm." Phil says resting his head on my shoulder.

"How would you know." I said.

"From cuddling experience mr.Howell-Lester." Phil said now looking up at me.

"Okay okay you win there." I replied then kissing him on the cheek.

"She looks so peaceful." Phil said resting his head on my shoulder again.

"She does, too bad we never get sleep anymore because of her crying at like three in the morning." I replied.

"Says the one who used to stay up until three am on tumblr." Phil says smirking because he knows it was true.

"You've got no proof of that." I replied laughing a little.

"Alright then, I guess we'll just end the video here since she sleeping." Phil said remembering he was still filming for the new day in the life of average dan and phil or whatever we were doing.

"Well I guess that's all then, bye bye everybody" I said picking up Lily's hand and waving goodbye to the camera smiling.

A/N: that was short but cute, it's the super short ones that are full of feels

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