Sleepy Comments

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Summary: dan and phil are laying in bed, phil is playing video games while dan keeps making comments about it sleepily while resting his head on Phil's chest. When Phil finishes the game he looks over to dan who has fallen asleep and decides to go to sleep too.

Word count: 465

Genre: fluff

Phil's POV:

Sometimes I'll just lay in bed and play video games because it's much warmer in my room than in the gaming room and the lounge.
This time it's much better because Dan is here with me, he laying next to me snuggled up into my side and resting his head on my chest. I don't know how I'm still managing to play the game, I don't actually mind he's in here though.
Normally dan will come in my room because he couldn't sleep or just because he's missed me if I've been gone, this time it's because I've been gone for about a week and he's missed me. When I first got back Dan ran to the door hugging me, he also said we had a lot of cuddles to catchup on. It's about eleven pm and dans already falling asleep on me.

"You missed the thing." Dan said sleepily.

"I know." I replied looking down at him, every time he'll make a comment he just keeps getting sleepier and sleepier.

"Then don't miss it next time." He replied snuggling further into my side wrapping his arm around me.

"Well if you're going to lay there I'm going to finish the game okay." I said, I looked down at dan again he sleepily nodded his head and continued to try to watch me play the game without falling asleep.

—small time skip—

About five or ten minutes later I finished the game, dan didn't make any comments the last few minutes he had probably fallen asleep.

I paused the game and looked to see if dan was asleep. He was starting to lightly snore so I take it he's sleeping pretty good. I guess I should try going to sleep now it is egging pretty late at least.
I then turned off the console to the game and scooted dan further up onto the bed so we would both be more comfortable.

"Goodnight dan." I said going to kiss his forehead. But no he woke up at that instant and kissed me on the lips.

"Goodnight Phil." He replied smiling. I just laughed it off before turning off my lamp and going to sleep.

A/N: I'm questioning what the thing is dnp finally want to tell us, I mean it could be phan but he said something about graphic design afterwords so it's possibly new merch again? Maybe a book? A tour? Idk I'm overreacting don't mind me.

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