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A/N: I may have done something like this but I'm stealing this idea from FalseDanHowell
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 441
Summary: Dan finds Phil eating his cereal.
Warnings: Fluff, slight swearing


Dans POV:

I was awoken early this morning with a rustling sound coming from next door to my room.
It was either a) phil was probably eating cereal in bed again, b) a burglar in Phil's room or c) Phil's walking around his room doing something again.
Maybe it'll be best if I just try to go back to sleep. Like that's going to happen, my mind just puts everything in the worse scenario when situations like this happen.
I groggily sat up wiping the sleep out of my eyes before stretching and making my way to the source of the noise.

"Fuck" I cursed loudly as I hit my foot off of my piano stool.
I mumbled a bit more before actually getting out of my room.
I opened my door and noticed the small crack of light from Phil's room. Since it was still dark outside and all the lights in the apartment were off, it wasn't hard to spot the small crack of light escaping from his room.

I slowly opened his door and there he was sitting on the edge of the bed eating MY cereal.

"Phil?" I said in a calm but also startling tone, phil instantly dropped the box of cereal and looked in my direction.

"That's my cereal isn't it." I Said as Phil slowly attempted hiding the box of cereal under his bed.

"I've already seen it, there's no use in hiding it." I said walking closer to him.

I walked to the edge of his bed and check on how much cereal I've got left.

"You ate all of my cereal, what the fuck?" I said laughing a little.

"You're not upset?" Phil said in a confused tone.

"No, why would I be you spoon." I Said now sitting on the edge of Phil's bed.

"Well simply because you hate when I eat your cereal." Phil said.

"Well, if you would have asked the last time and this time I'd be okay." I Said.

"Can I eat your cereal." Phil said laughing.

"It's a little too late for that." I Said and we both laughed.

A/n: I literally just had Lauren to copy this and then send it to me 😂 sorry Lauren

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