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—based off that one video they did on the gaming channel sort of.

Dans POV:

Lookin for a snack isn't always easy in the dan and phil household. Sometimes I'll walk in on Phil eating my cereal, other times the last of a certain food.
Last night, Phil and I did a baking video for Spooky week and we made pumpkin spice pumpkins cookies. They were so good, especially with a hot drink.

"Phil?" I called out to Phil in the lounge.

"What's up?" He replies.

"Where did all of the cookies go?" I asked.

"We ate them all remember?" He said.

"I swear I seen one left." I said walking into the lounge to find it in his hands.

"Oh um, hey dan." He said laughing.

"I told you I wanted that." I said, sometimes he'll do this just to make me upset.

"Wait, Before you attack me with tickling. I think we should settle this with only one option." Phil said, I already know what's happening.

"Dan vs Phil!" Oil said dragging out every word like he does in the videos.

"Oh what ever." I said walking into the gaming room after having phil put the cookie in the kitchen then following me.

After everything was set up, we sat down and fixed our hair and pressed record.

"Hello Dan and Phil games, Cookie Wars!" Phil said.

"Cookie wars?" I questioned.

"Yeah, because this is a dan vs Phil over a cookie." Phil said.

"Alright lets do this then." I said setting up the game.

We ended up playing google feud again, and by this time we were adding up the scores to see who wins.

"And the winner is....." Phil paused.

"Awh no!" Phil exclaimed.

"Dan wins." Phil says making a pouty face.

"Ha!" I said picking the cookie up and biting it.

"Mmmm." I mumbled.

"Well, I'm going to do the end screen." Phil said and I hummed in response.

"Okay, so don't forget to hit that like button, our last video is right there" He said pausing and pointing to the left.

"Our channels are right there, and goodbye!" Phil said putting his hand over the camera and stopping the recording.

"You know we could have just made more cookies." I said.

"Yeah, but that takes time and we don't know how to bake" Phil said laughing at the part about us baking.

"But these are just so good." I explained.

"Yeah, but now we've got some editing to do." Phil said.

"Tomorrow? It's getting late." I said.

"Says the person who stays up until three a.m on tumblr." Phil said.

"How would you know." I said.

"I can here you laughing at memes through the walls." Phil said.

"You've got no proof of that." Dan said getting up and running out of the room.

I chased after him and tackled him on the sofa.

"Gotcha." Phil said doing that thing where he sticks his Young's out the side of his mouth.

"Stop being so adorable." I said poking Phil's nose.

"I can't help it." Phil said,  then I leaned up and kissed his nose then his lips softly.
After that Phil laid down on top of me and rested his head on my chest.

"I'm tired." He said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Let's go to bed." He said getting up and dragging me by my wrist to his room.
We changing into our pajamas and settled down under the cover, we tried to stay as close as possible because it was quiet cold in the apartment.

"Goodnight dan." Phil said.

"Goodnight Love." I replied loosely linking my hand with his and falling asleep.

A/N: a somewhat longer chapter. Sorry for any typos my phone keyboard is glitching and idk why.

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