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A/N: MY ART DONT STEAL IT just thought it'd go good with this chapter.
Summary: different scenarios each drawing fits with it.
1: Dans watching tv in the downstairs lounge and Phil's comes up behind him and kisses his forehead then asks what he wants for dinner
2: Ummmmmmmm
3: just a small kiss before filming a video
4: sort of like the first one but instead it's to get Phil to come to bed.
Word count: 700
Warnings: MAJOR F L U F F
Dans POV:

Sometimes couples will be the sappy romantic gross all the time type of couple. Phil and I try avoiding that but sometimes it's cute and okay to be sappy. Only on certain occasions though, today isn't one of those occasions but one of the days where we both don't really care if we're being sappy or not.
As of now Phil is somewhere else in the house he said he was getting ready to make dinner, and I'm in the lounge watching tv. There's never anything good on tv but it's something to do, now o know you're all like 'but dan you could go make a video since you only upload once a month.' It's not that easy okay.
I feel like I just heard foot steps but it's probably just Phil, that was until I was jump-scared by someone's arms wrapping around me.
I leaned my head back on the sofa to see phil.

"Thanks for scaring me." I say laughing a bit.

"Oops, anyways what did you want for dinner?" He asks.

"I told you it didn't matter." I say.

"Okay, Japanese it is." He Says and kisses my forehead before going back to the kitchen to make dinner.

Dans POV: (this is going to be short)

Things may have gotten a little out of hand, a small kiss after not seeing each other for a while has turned into something a bit different.
Before I knew it phil had moved down to my neck, which is a quite sensitive spot.

"Not the neck." I say in a whisper, he didn't listen but continued. The rest of that night is history.
(I'm not writing smut get over it)

Phil's POV:

Sometimes before filming a video, Dan and I try letting our all of our emotions as relationship wise. Since it would take forever to edit and possibly forgetting to edit one part out. It's normally just a kiss, or a long hug. Just depends on what we feel like that day we're filming.

"Before we start filming okay." I say and dan nods, we both lean in from out chairs and kiss softly.

"Let's get gaming." Dan says and turns on the camera.

Phils POV: (this is similar to a chapter I've done)

Editing takes forever, not days but hours. Sometimes days, if it's a hour long video. And that just so happens to be the video I'm editing now, it's at least fifty some minutes long before editing.
We filming at seven in the evening and now it's ten minutes until eleven.
While editing it doesn't matter if it's me or dan, one of us will come up behind the other and wrap our arms around them. It doesn't happen all the time, normally when it's really late and they want to go to bed.

"Phil?" I hear dan say.

"Still editing?" He asks now closer, he wraps his arms around me and I lean my head back on the chair.

"Yeah, I think I should finish editing tomorrow." I say.

"I think you should too, it's late and we both need sleep." Dan says before kissing my forehead and walking back to our bedroom.
I go to save the video clip and power off the computer, then head to bed.

When I walked into the bedroom dan was already curled up under the blanket and trying to sleep. As quietly as I could I walked over to my side and laid down.

"Night phil." Dan says.

"Night Dan." I reply.

A/N: this book is 2k reads from 50k that's insane. Also I've got a three day weekend so I may be able to update regularly.

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