7 Second Challenge

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"Hello internet." I said and Phil waved.

"What're we doing today dan?" Phil asked.

"Well, ya see philly here has created a game. It's called the Seven Second Challenge." I was cut off my phil interrupting me.

"But you helped create it too." Phil said.

"But it was your idea so here we are. Let's do this!" I said.

"Okay Phil, who's going first?" I asked.

"You?" He suggested.

"Alright then." I said.

"Dan, you have seven seconds to make up a wrap about stars." Phil said.

"Okay um, stars stars they are bright and shiny kind of like cars. NOOOOOOO!" I said semi-shouting in the end.

"Failed it." Phil said.

"Okay Phil, you have seven seconds to name three animals that start with the letter 'A' GO!" I said.

"Anteaters, Alligators, Ants?" He said.

"Eh nailed it." I said hitting the button.

"Yay!" He exclaimed in victory.

"Okay Dan, You have seven seconds to say 'Yes'" Phil said and I was confused.

It didn't hit me until Phil was handing me the phone and got down off the bed and on one knee with a small velvet box.

"YES!" I shouted! He then stood up and hugged me placing the ring on my finger.

"Wait." He said confusing me.

"Look." He said pointing to the engraving.

'I feel special.' Which was what was engraved on my ring.

"Look at mine." Phil said.

'You are.' Was in graves in his. I remember that day clearly, it was from Phil is not on fire four in 2012, which was the bad years of the fandom.

After showing me he slid the ring on my finger and we ended the video. Even leaving in that scene.

A/N: Short but oh well, it's October I'm now realizing Spooky week, Spooky baking, pinof9 and the anniversary of dan and phil meeting is just around the corner. I'm totally okay right now.

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