Vegas Lights

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Summary: dnp are celebrating dans bday in Vegas and things get wild ;)

Dans POV:

It's my birthday, I'm finally 21 and we're spending my birthday in Vegas. This was Phil's idea, he's always the one who likes going out somewhere huge for birthdays.
Now I didn't really mind that we're in Vegas for my birthday I thought it'd be fun, and it has. Phil is probably the best boyfriend in the world. Tonight, he's decided we should go out and just take in the surroundings but I wish we could just stay in since it's our last night here. But no, Phil promised this would be the best night ever. When we left the house back in England, we left three days before my birthday so the last day we would be here it would be my birthday.

"I'm so glad we're here." Phil promises as I was looking around at everything. It was a very beautiful town, so many bright lights and the sky was just beautiful tonight.

"Me too." I replied.
We walked around for a few more minutes walking hand in hand down the street. When Phil started humming a familiar tune.

"What are you humming?" I asked, I knew what it was but I couldn't get the name of it.

"Vegas lights." He said, That's a really good song. Kind of ironic that it's stuck in my head and we're in Vegas. I've been playing the lyrics through my head without realizing.

"Want to go back to the hotel now?" Phil asked.

"Sure." I replied. We were almost there anyways since we walked the opposite direction and just walked around the block where the hotel was.

When we got back to the hotel, Phil had unlocked the door. I went to go to take a shower but Phil had other plans.

"What do you say we make most of the night?" He said winking little and pushing me up against the wall.

I just replied by kissing him softly, he let go of my hands and I wrapped them around his neck.

"Remember Dan this is your birthday." He said then moving down to my neck and sucking softly.

Shortly after that we made our way to the bed and continued what we started.

—/hahaha nope I'm not writing smut, that is the closest I'll go\—

The next morning, it was the morning we had to leave, when I woke up Phil was laying close to me and our legs tangled together under the covers.

"Good morning." He said kissing me softly.

"Good morning." I replied.

"Ready to go home?" He asked turning over so he wasn't laying on his back anymore.

"Yeah, time to go back to boring old England." I said.

"We should probably pack everything back in our suitcases." I said.
I got up, Not really remembering I wasn't wearing anything from last nights previous events.

"Nice view." Phil said laughing.

"Shut up." I replied before throwing on a pair of my pajama pants that were in the floor.

A/n: did anyone notice the picture of dnp at the end of dans video??? Because I did and I'm shooketh

A/n: did anyone notice the picture of dnp at the end of dans video??? Because I did and I'm shooketh

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It's in the center on the corner right.

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