Words Hurt

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Summary: it's another argument, BUT IT HAS A V HAPPY ENDING

Warnings: it may be sad at first but then it's happy
Word Count: 1035

Dans POV:

Ever since I've gotten back together with Phil, things have been okay. Until today, I think it's finally time we told our audience about us being together.
It's been about six months since we've gotten back together and it's not like they won't figure it out.

"Hey Phil can we talk?" I say walking into the lounge where he was sitting.

"Yeah sure, what about?" He Says sitting his phone down on the chair arm of the sofa.

"Well, I think it may be time we tell our audience abo-"

"No." Phil says.

"What do you mean no? You didn't even let me finish my sentence." I say.

"No, because I'm not comfortable with that yet. We've dated in the past yes, then we broke up in 2012, and now we've been together for about six months it's too soon. Wait a couple years Okay?" Phil explained.

"What's so bad about it?" I reply.

"The fact that our audience won't support us dan, they'll leave and we'll have nothing. That's why I'm saying to wait, people don't like anyone dates one of the same sex now. If you could just wait then I should be okay by then." Phil adds sounding a bit upset.

"I understand that, if they don't then so what? The ones who leave were never loyal fans anyways." I say.

"That's not the point Dan, I don't want to deal with this right now. I'm going to my room leave me there just don't talk to me for the rest of the day." Phil says, he grabbed his phone and his cup of coffee before going into his room.

Phil hasn't talked since yesterday, he only left his room to eat dinner and he didn't even talk to me then. Maybe I was being a douche yesterday and should apologize.

I walk to his door and sigh before knocking.

"Can I come in?" I say.

"Yeah I guess." Phil replies, his voice sounds different.

I opened the door to find him laying down on his bed crying.

"Phil?" I say as I sit on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah?" He replies sniffling.

"Please don't cry, you know I hate to see you cry." I say. He sat up from where he was and hugged me.
I instantly hugged him back and he buried his head in my shoulder.

"I'm so, so sorry Phil. I know I should have respected your opinion but I just I don't know I'm really sorry." I say, phil pulls away from hugging me and I wipe away his tears.

"I forgive you, it's just I'm not ready to tell them yet." He replies.

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't check on you yesterday I didn't know what to do. It was the first time you told me not to talk to you at all." I said.

"It's okay, I think that helped a bit more with this situation actually, just please never leave me again." He said, before he could say anything else I pulled him into a hug.

"Trust me, I never will." I say, we finally apologized and everything was going great again.


Phil's POV:

The past eight almost nine years of my life, have been the best ever. Mainly because they've been spent with Dan.
Earlier today, I proposed an She said yes. But now, we're back home at our flat laying under a blanket as Dan is asleep on me, his engagement ring on full show. So being the sappy person I am, I took a picture and decided to post it on Instagram.
We haven't told our viewers yet, they know we're together even though we haven't said anything. It's just the little things that let them know, the little glances at each other, the smiles we give, living together for a really long time, spending holidays and other things together. That's what let them know, but this post is going to make it official.

I opened the app and chose the picture,
The caption was "He said yes!!" Then tagged Dan in it so he could see it. As soon as it was posted likes and comments started rolling in so I laid my phone down and went to sleep.

Dans POV: (sorry for switching POV so much)

Yesterday was the best day ever, Phil and I got engaged. But the thing that threw me off was when my phone kept buzzing, I got my phone and noticed I had a couple tweets from Louise and Tyler and some others.

"Congrats! It's about time you two got engaged."
Phil had taken a picture of me asleep on him then posted it to twitter and instagram tagging me in both.
I walked around the flat in attempt to find him, it wasn't until I found him in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I did what I would normally do when he's cooking and walk up behind him and hug him resting my head on his shoulder.
Instantly he melted into the hug and smiled.

"I seen the picture you posted, and I'm proud that you've decided to make our relationship public." I say.

"It was finally time, eight years is a long time so it's time they knew." Phil replies.

"Almost nine, and many more to come." I replied.

"I'm proud of us." I added.

"Me too." He Says.

A/N: eh that was decent I guess, much longer than I expected though. My alarm went off at midnight last night then I had trouble getting back to sleep. But the thing is I never set an alarm it just went off on its own. Alllllllsoooooooo
You guys should go check out a edit I did on my channel,
My channel is Wayywardhowell (same pfp as on here)
And the video is
Can't Help Falling In Love~Phan Edit.

It made my sister cry and I teared up editing it, it's not sad it's happy but the audio is just amazing (its a cover of Can't Help Falling In Love -by: Jesse Cale)

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