"Are You Drunk?"

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Summary: Dan comes home drunk and it's funny
Warnings: None
Word Count: 412

Phil's POV:

Dan went out earlier with some of his friends from university. Well the friends he had there before he dropped out, he hasn't been back for a while, I wouldn't be surprised if he came home drunk.
Dan isn't the aggressive drunk, he's more of a flirty funny drunk.

"Phil I'm hommeeeeeeee." Dan sang walking up the stairs.

"In the lounge." I reply, this is going to be interesting.
About a minute later dan was now in the lounge and stumbling just a little. He walked over towards the sofa where I was sitting and then just laid down on the sofa with his head resting in my lap and his legs were hanging over the sofa a bit.

"Hi." He Says looking up at me.

"Hi dan." I reply.

"Did you get new hair?" He asks giggling.

"No." I reply laughing as well.

"Did I get new hair?" He questions then moving his hand up to mess with his hair.

"No but you did get a hair cut the other day." I say and his mouth forms an 'O' shape as he realized.

"DID THEY SELL MY HAIR?!" He exclaims.

"No." I say laughing.

"Dan?" I say and he looks up at me and giggles a little.

"How drunk are you?" I ask, he waits a few seconds before replying.

"I only had a few drinks, i promise I'm not as think as you drunk I am." He Says.

"How many is a few?" I asked.

"Like threeeee or fourrr." He says dragging out the 'e' and 'r'.

"Alright dan, I'm sending you to bed and you're going to get some rest." I say in attempt to get him up.

"Nono pretty boy, if I'm going to bed I'm dragging you with me." Dan says.

"Fine." I say, it's not like we don't already share a bed but whatever.

"Night creep." Dan says.

"Night dork." I reply and go to turn off the light.

"I'm not a dork I'm drunk." He replies, I jus roll my eyes and laugh a little before I go to sleep.

A/N: I'm legit writing this before school the bus hasn't got here yet so sorry if this is a bit rushed, also check out the speed paint on my channel I've got another that should be up by this weekend or Thursday.

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