Internet Support Group

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Summary: Phil sends in a ISG question and dan firgurss it out it's about phan
(Have I done this before? Maybe it was something I posted on Instagram???)
Word Count: 669
Warnings: None
Dans POV:

How long has it been since the last internet support group? Almost a year right? Maybe I should go check.
I log onto my laptop and scroll trough my videos to find when the last was from. I was right, almost a year. Time to start the next, I should use something other than alcohol this time. Maybe some tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? I mean it's pretty cold in here so hot chocolate would be reasonable.

I walk into the room where I normally film these and set up my laptop and the desktop computer.
Then the lights and the camera.

After everything was set up I started the video with the traditional intro and started with the first person to show.

"Elizabeth, 16, London.
Hi Dan, recently I haven't been able to feel like myself or do anything I enjoy. Help?"

"Well Elizabeth, try going for a walk or just starting small with the things to get you interested in what you like again. Or just lie face down on the carpet until everything is better." I said then took a drink of my tea.

"Jordan, 14, New Zealand,
Hey Danny Boye, please don't." I pause,
"So my friends dog keep chewing on my shoes and I'm scared to tell him because he think his dog can do no wrong, here's some proof." I said as I came across the pictures of the chewed shoes and the dog.

"Awh what a cute dog, no bad dog." I say,

"Well try leaving your friend a message or send him those pictures. And maybe keep your shoes out of reach." I said before taking another drink of tea.

"Alright The next one!" I say before continuing.

"Phil, 30, London,
Hi Dan, for the past two years I've been in love with my best friend, and for the past week I've been trying to get him to notice that I love him but he can't take the hint. Please tell me what to do because he's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said, weird the same thing has been happening with Phil lately like he won't leave me alone and keeps joking around that if we were- oh my god. How could I have not noticed! I wish he would have told me sooner because

"Well Phil, maybe you should just tell him, who knows he may be in love with you too." I say smiling as I look into the camera.

After doing a few more, I decided to end the video.

A couple days later:

"Hey Phil, have you seen the new video I just uploaded?" I ask walking into the lounge.

"Internet support group?" He replies and I nod smiling.

"Yeah I've seen it why?" He Says.

"Wait! I know why you're asking!" He Says jumping up from the sofa.

"Yes!" I said as we went over and hugged each other.

"I've loved you from the longest time and it's taken you so long to realize!" I say.

"Same here!" He says, we both pulled away from the hug smiling.

"What does this mean?" Phil says.

"Does this mean we're together?" I ask.

"If you want to be then sure." He replies.

"Okay, so I guess this is the start of us being together." I say.

"I guess so." He replies smiling.

"Now what?" He Says after a long pause in silence.

"I guess we could watch a movie." He Says and I nodded in agreement. That's how the evening ended, us cuddled up on the sofa and watching movies until I fell asleep. Today has been a great day.

A/N: Thanks for 40k+ Reads! That's actually insane, my main goal for these stories is to get to 100K but for now it's 50k which is more reasonable.

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