Have You Ever Wondered?

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Summary: have told ever wondered if youtubers looked up their ship name on tumblr
Warnings: None
Word count: 506
Dans POV:

Have you ever wondered what you're followers who pair you with people are like? Like what do they do? What do they post? How do they do it?
I'm just curious, so I may or may not have searched phan on tumblr....will this be a mistake? Eh probably.

"Hey Phil?" I say looking up from my laptop.

"Yeah?" He replies.

"Have you ever wondered what our followers who ship us are like?" I ask.

"Crazy? Funny? Yeah why?" He Says.

"Well, maybe we could do a tumblr tag video and search the phan tag." I say.

"Sounds fun but terrifying." He replies.

After deciding we'll turn this into a video instead of just me looking through the 'phan' tag we should both do it!
So we went into the gaming room and set up the lights and camera and all that.
Once we started recording we did the intro and explained what was happening but didn't say which tag we were going through.

"Alright open up tumblr and search what tag again?" Phil says.

"Well, we've both searched the danisnotonfire tag and amazingphil, but the rebrand happened and there's probably some weirder stuff on this one. So let's search the phan tag." I say.

"I know you're all probably freaking out, but this doesn't change anything." I say.

I typed in 'phan' in the search-bar and surprisingly nothing too bad showed up.
"Okay and the first thing we see is...." I pause waiting for the page to load.

"Some nice fan art." I say.

"So far, it's just some nice fan art. Just wait until you go further into the tag." Phil says.

"True." I say.
We kept scrolling until we found some fanfiction, should we read it. I'm gonna read it.

"The chocolate fic, want to read it?" I ask laughing.

"I'm pretty sure anything starting with 'the' and ending with 'fic' isn't a good idea." Phil says. I roll my eyes and decided to skim over it and describe it.

"It's just about one of us pouring chocolate into our mouths then some other things happen and you could tie it together I um Yeah next topic." I say. After scrolling again more fan art and some decent edits were found, mainly edits where Phil dies, GEEZ PEOPLE STOP KILLING PHIL!

"I think that's enough." I say as I came across smut art.

"Yeah, tumblr isn't a good idea." Phil adds.
We did the end screen and ended the video. Maybe this was a bad idea and maybe it wasn't, either way the viewers will like it.

A/N: today has been terrible we'll sort of terrible. I had to do a presentation in math and I was rlly shaky from my anxiety and ppl were laughing at my idea and at how nervous I was fml I wish I didn't have to do presentations. Anyways I feel really depressed now!

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