Christmas Ornaments

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Summary: dan and Phil's three y/o tries eating the ornaments and is being rlly adorable
Word Count: 482
Warnings: None
Dans POV:

Christmas this year is going to be great, I think that Lizzie will really like the tree decorations. Well she should at least. Lizzie is mine and Phil's three year old daughter, and this is her first Christmas with us.

"Do you think she'll like the tree?" Phil asks and sits down next to me as we both examine the tree once more.

"I think she will. She likes literally everything about other holidays so Christmas may be a win for her." I said, Phil agreed.

"Do you want to bring her in here now?" I asked smiling, Phil nodded in agreement and we went to Lizzie's room.

"Hey Lizzie?" I said knocking on her doorframe since her door was open.

"Dada!" She yelled running towards me and hugging my leg.

"Want to go see the tree now Lizzie?" Phil says.

"Tree!" She yells and making grabby hands as a way of telling Phil to pick her up.

"Alright Lizzie, Ready?" I said and she nods sticking out her tongue.

"Pretty." She says mesmerized by the blinking lights. Phil sits her down and she sits by the tree.
Phil and I sit on the sofa as she plays with the ornaments.

"Lizzie, No!" I said as I noticed she was trying to eat an ornament.

"Why?" She Says.

"You will get sick, those aren't candy." I said and pick her up bringing her over to the couch.

"I'm hungry dada." She says.

"What do you want to eat then?" Phil asks, Lizzie thinks for a second before gasping.

"Pizza?" She asks.

"Okay, we'll order pizza." Phil says, he gets up to go order the pizza and I sit on the sofa and Lizzie plays with my hair and starts jumping around on the couch.

After Phil finished ordering pizza I turned my head to see him standing in the doorway of the lounge. I sat lizzie beside me and walked over to Phil.
I smiled at him and placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his on my hips.

"I think this year Christmas is going to be a win." I said pulling him in for a hug.

"Me too." He replied hugging me back even tighter.
We pulled away when we both felt little arms wrap around our legs.

"And lizzie, what do you think about the tree." I asked kneeling down to her height.

"You and papa did good." She said.
I picked Lizzie up and Phil and I both hugged her.

"Ew no!" She said as we both kissed her cheek.

A/N: I'm in dance class and I probably failed my Spanish test.
Good news: A week from now I will be on Christmas break THANK GOD but I do have another Spanish test on Wednesday next week

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