When at Vidcon

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Phil's POV:

Vidcon is always fun, tons of people all inside one building. It's all fans and multiple famous youtubers. It's fun but the crowds are always insane, like thousands of people walking around it's complete chaos. I've never been more nervous ever in my life, Dan and I are doing a Q&A type of thing with Pj, well Pj is asking the questions which come from the fans on twitter.

"Phil you look really nervous." Dan said approaching me with a water bottle, one for me and one for him.

"Believe me I am." I replied taking the bottle he handed me.

"You shouldn't we've done this many of times." Dan said before sitting his water down on the small table before we went to go on stage.

"Ten minutes guys." Said one of the employees and we nodded.
I then sat my water down because I didn't ant to forget it on stage.

"Listen." Dan said hailing both of my hands.

"You've got nothing to worry about, everything will be okay. I believe in you, the fans believe in you. And remember no matter what happens, we will all still love you, even me." He said before hugging me, this is one of those times when we would need to comfort the other. This is the best part of having Dan in my life. We've lived together for seven years and dating for five. I've never been happier, he's honestly amazing.

"Now introducing Dan and Phil!" Pj shouted who was already on stage.

"That's our cue." Dan said before walking on stage.

We said our 'hellos' then sat at the chairs while pj handed us the white boards.

"What're doing this year Philly." Dan said which got the crowd going.

"Well, we're answering some questions!" I said.

We continued explaining and then started the event.

"What is your favorite place." Pj asked making a weird face to the crowd.

Dan and I both scribbled something down.
"And now turn your boards." Pj said as we turned our boards.

Dans said 'Anywhere with internet' and mine said 'Manchester Train Station' which was the first place Dan.

"Okay next question, What would you do if you lost your phone." Pj read.

This time dans board was just 'let me explain.'
"Well is probably look frantically through the apartment for it then realize it's in my back pocket." Dan said laughing, that's definitely something he has done before.

My board said. 'Look For it.' And then we continued.

This next question was one I submitted because why not.

"What is your relationship status?" Pj said and the crowd cheered.

Dan turned his board which said 'In a relationship' which got the crowd cheering.

"Come On Phil turn your board around?" Dan said laughing a little since I hadn't turned mine around.

I turned my board around to reveal 'Dan, will you marry me?' Written On it.

"Wait is this for real!" He said in excitement and I nodded. I got up from my seat and dan did as well and I took his hands in mine.

"For the longest time we've been friends, best friends actually. I didn't really think we'd end up here today in front of all of these people and me proposing to you. But I feel it's one of the best things I could do, Dan you're one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You make me laugh until I cry and smile until I'm not sad anymore. I don't know what I would do without you. And I love you Okay? So Daniel James Howell will you marry me?" I said and got down on one knee with the small velvet box in my hands, the crowd cheered and Dan looked as if he was about to cry.

"Yes, of course I will." He replied and the crowd went insane. I stood up after putting the ring on his finger and kissing him softly.

"Well I guess I should change this now." Dan said referring to the board. The Turning around and writing 'ENGAGED!' In all caps and turning it to the crowd, which erupted in screams again.

"Dan and Phil everybody!" Pj said and everyone clapped and cheered, maybe Vidcon wasn't so scary after all.

1.) Dnp did a vid with tomska and hazel?!
2.) I missed Phil's livestream
3.) Im working on a dnp crack video atm
4.) I get out of school early tomorrow
6.) This book is @ 3.99k right now, by the time this is uploaded or after this gets some Reads we may have 4K which is insane! I just hit 3k a few dans ago

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