Jumpscares and Concussions

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Summary: Phil scares dan and dan faints and hits his head.
Warnings: Nothing, I'm not going to make it sad
Word count: 367

Idea credit: @puppylove36
I'm going to set it during spooky week.... very seasonally inappropriate

Phil's POV:

During spooky week on the gaming channel, sometimes dan and I will try scaring each other. Sometimes he scares me more than I can scare him, but not today. We've just finished filming a video where we had to jumpscare each other. He's currently in the lounge and I'm going to get him back.

I peeked around the corner, he's standing by the coffee table looking on his phone. Probably got a text or something
I quietly walked up behind him, he still hadn't noticed.

"DAN!" I shouted scaring him he screamed then he fell. Oh my god is he okay?

"Dan are you okay?" I said, he has a small cut on the top of his head where he hit the table.

"Oh no." I said starting to panic. I did my best to lift him onto the sofa and went into the bathroom to get a wet cloth to place on his forehead.

Only a few minutes later he woke up, he groaned because of the pain his forehead was causing.

"Dan are you okay? I'm so sorry." I said quietly knowing that his head hurt.

"I'm fine, just my head hurts a lot." He said quietly.

"Sorry, you've probably got a concussion or something." I said.

"It's fine, I'll be okay." He replies then sitting up and removing the cloth.

"At least you've finally scared me." He said then scooting closer to where I was sitting at the end of the sofa.

"Yeah but you're hurt." I replied.

"But I'm fine, nothing broke." He said then loosely linking our hands together.

"As long as I can spend the rest of the even cuddled up to you, everything will be okay." He said.

"Okay." I replied as Dan carefully rested his head on my shoulder.

A/N: well I'm adding in the suggested stories now, I've got two of my own ideas above this one so it'll be weird because I'm publishing this before the others.

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