Lie Detector

885 26 33

(This was suggested by my sister)
Warnings: NONE! FLUFF
Word count: 1508

Fans POV:
Recently I've entered a give away Dan and Phil have hosted, never in a million years would I think that they would host a give away where one lucky can get chosen to be flown out to England to meet them and spend a few days with them. I'm actually surprised my parents let me enter this, but I'm glad they did. This means that I've been constantly checking my phone seeing if I've gotten a message or something alerting me if I've won.

"Mom we need some milk." I Said catching my mother's attention, we were currently at the store to buy whatever we needed for the next two weeks.

"Well then, let's go get it." She said and we made our way to that aisle.

"The Internet is here The Internet is great." My phone started randomly playing. Ever since Dan and Phil put that out to buy I've set it as my ringtone.

"Ohmygodohmygod" I practically screamed.
Is this real life? Did I just win the contest.
Someone send the emo gods to save me before I die from fangirling.

"What is it sweetheart?" My mother said placing the gallon on milk in the shopping cart.

"I...i-i won dan and Phil's giveaway!" I Said stuttering the first part from disbelief.

"Seriously?" She said, I pulled up the message and showed her. I'm trying my best to not completely fangirl screech in public.

"Well let's hurry and get home." She said and we made our way to the front of the store.
The rules to the contest were, you had to tag Dan and Phil in a tweet letting them know that you're the winner, after they check the tweet then one of them will direct message you and give details about what you should do.
And that's exactly what I did, over the next few minutes I waited for a reply, only about ten minutes later I had got a reply Well a message from Phil.

Me: is this real life!
Phil: I hope so! Okay to get everything to get your tickets here go to this website.

I clicked the link and my mother helped me buy the tickets.
Afterwords, it said the date I should arrive in England and the day I should leave. I mean yes planes scare me but this is definitely worth it.

—Two Days Later—

Today's the Day were leaving to go to England, Dan and Phil both tweeted at me and said they'll meet me at the airport. My mom is also going with me since she's over protective and I'm only seventeen.

—Skipping The Flight—
We arrived at the airport at around two o'clock in the evening. And there waiting was dan and phil with a sign with my name and twitter name on it to let them know they were looking for me.

"Oh my gosh hi!" I said walking up to them.

"Hello, are you Hayley Dean?" Phil asks.

"Yes I am, Im still not okay." I replied.

"Alright, well the cab is waiting." Dan said.

—skip cab ride—

We started off our day with going to Starbucks, my mother decided that she could trust dan and phil and decided to go to the hotel and relax.

"I hope you don't mind if we do a video with you." Dan said.

"I don't mind at all." I said as we all got our drinks, we had a little bit of an awkward conversation and me trying my best to not explode from happiness.

"Alright ready to go?" Phil asked and I nodded.
I texted my mom and let her know I was still Hanson out with Dan and Phil and they would have a cab take me to the hotel later.

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