Earthquake Or The Phandom

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I'm sorry in advance

Summary: basically what my sister is telling about when tickets went on sale
Word count: 565
Warnings: None but this is gonna be great

News Reporter's POV:

"This just in, possible earthquake worldwide at 4PM Local Time which means wherever you are at 4pm. This is not a drill it's in all seriousness and could lead to potential injuries or death."

"This is Cathleen Blake reporting you from CNN."
As we signed off air we all anxiously and nervously waited for 4pm.

Two more hours....

One more hour.....

All of a sudden the room starts shaking and lights are flickering, people are running to take cover. Cameras are turned on immediately to capture what is going on. The little red light indicating we were on air turned on and I was handed a piece of paper.

"This just in, it is not intact a actual earthquake. But it is the fans of the beloved Danisnotonfire aka Dan Howell, and Amazingphil aka Phil Lester. Who have just recently announced their new world tour and only gave their fans few days to process causing everything to send them into venues and online to buy the tickets in one big herd and now we're getting word that the internet for everyone else is shutting down so the fans will have time to get tickets." I sighed and realized what was happening.

"THE PHANDOM BROKE THE INTERNET I REPEAT THE PHANDOM BROKE THE INTERNET, THIS IS NOT A DRILL EVERYONE TAKE COVER." I was cut off by a crazy fan named Emma who rushed in and stole my mic.

"Hi, so my name is [Emma]" the fans said doing some weird bracket thing with her hands.

"W-wh." I was cut off again.

"Can it Cathleen." She said in a rude tone.

"So I was wondering if the fbi was hiring because the Phandom is extremely good at finding out about background information and solving things. THATS ALL CONTINUE DESTROYING THE WORLD PHANDOM. "

"This is Emma signing off from DNPNN, Have a nice day destroying the world Phandom." And then she was gone.

I walked over to the window to only realize that many other fangirls and guys were all running around with at Whiskers drawn on their faces, wearing and lion or llama hat, and wearing some type of shirt with either Japanese letters with some weird background, one with a lion or llama and something about cat whiskers.
I was curious to how it was outside, so I decided to see what was going on. Walking outside only to hear multiple people shouting
Ranging from "DONT CRY CRAFT.", "I'll fight for the tickets.", "Try new things." And "Phan is real."
And one of the weirdest was "Hi, so my name is dan." And also doing that weird hand thing from earlier.

Everyone stopped what they were doing after a minute or two. Only when I turned to see a giant float with a lion and llama statue with Dan and Phil on the float chanting.
"Don't cry!" And the fans would shout "craft!" 

This continued for the rest of the year, until the fandom exploded and everyone was  at peace again.

A/n: with help from my sister this masterpiece became a part of this one shot book. And I'm crying from laughter just typing this. PINOF IS SOON IM NOT READY

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