House of Memories

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Another version of them moving bcs why not?

Phil and I are moving, but not into an apartment we're moving into a house like an actual house where we can get a dog. And yes we're also still doing the whole YouTube thing, last month we told our fans we were together but they don't know that we're moving yet.

"Have you gotten the boxes from the bedroom yet?" Phil asked while carrying a box from the kitchen while I was outside next to the moving truck.

"Not yet, but we don't need too until tomorrow morning since we're leaving tomorrow." I explained.

"Alright, well you should help me out with a few other boxes." Phil said after sitting the box in the moving truck.

We walked back inside, I looked around at the now somewhat empty apartment. I sighed in pure happiness, Just I can't believe this is happening.

"Dan?" Phil said.

"Yeah?" I answered being pulled from my train of thoughts.

"Remember when the neighbors dog ran in here and destroyed the lounge?" Phil asked laughing back on the memory.

"Yeah that was messy, Remember during New Years when we told each other our true feelings about each other?" I said, that's one of my favorite memories here, I heard phil him in response.

—FLASHBACK: New Years—

It's New Year's Eve well, only about ten minutes left. Phil and I are sitting in the lounge watching everything happen. I honestly hate New Years everyone is making out with their loved ones, and I'm over here with a massive crush on my best friend.

"Only a minute!" Phil says.

"Cool." I replied.

"Oh come on." Phil said.

"Why? Everyone is making out with people they love and I'm over here with a massive crush on my best friend." Did I just say that out loud nonononono

"You what?" Phil said smiling, he's smiling?

"I um-um i-I like you, like love you." I said, I was a little more confident now since he was smiling.

"I love you too." Phil said.

"Happy new year phi-" I was cut off by a pair of lips meeting mine. It was a soft and somewhat short kiss, but it was full of love and that's the night that led up to the few days when Phil and I learned how we really felt about each other.
—Flashback over—

I smiled thinking back in the memory but then remembered we needed to put the rest of the stuff in the trunk.

—-Later that night—-

That night Phil and I, laid awake in the dark talking about what may come in the near future.

"What do you think the new house will be like?" Phil asked playing with my hand that was loosely linked with his.

"I don't know, do you think anything big may happen?" I replied.

"Pets? Kids? Marriage?" Phil said.

"Definitely pets, possibly adopting if you want. And marriage, that could happen I mean you never know but if it ever did I'd love to marry you." I said.

"I think we could look forward to those things, now let's get some rest." He said before turning off the lamp on the table next to the bed.

That morning, I got up but Phil was awake before me.

"Morning." He said already stacking boxes.

"Morning to you too. Someone's ready to move aren't they?" I said and he laughed.

We had finally arrived at the house and I knew it'd be the stay of something special, I honestly couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm so happy, look where we are." I said and phil nodded in agreement.

"I know right, just think we used to have to travel miles to see each other and now here we are right next to each other and nothing can change that." Phil said.

We had called our parents to help unload everything and our siblings as well. We probably wouldn't do a house tour for YouTube quite yet since were settling everything down.

"I'm proud of us." Phil said to me as he walked into our new lounge.

He then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I replied.

"Awh!" Phil's mom said as she walked in.

A/n: I'm fixing this, I was supposed to to go to sleep but I'm fixing this one shot. And the gaming channel hit 3mil the bloopers were amazing No pun intended.
750 words, geez

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