Hair Dye

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Summary: Phil is re-dying his hair with the help of dan
(They end up kissing in between and dan gets hair dye on Phil's neck)

Word Count: 613

Warnings: None

Phil's POV:

I've been meaning to re-dye my hair for the past week and a half it's started to look a bit ginger.

"Finally re-dying your hair are we mr. 'my hair is naturally this black'" Dan said putting air quotes around the name.

"Yeah, this probably won't end well." I said laughing and heading into the bathroom to get started on my hair. I mean I could always go to the salon and get it professionally done but that take way to much time and money.

—small time skip—

About ten minutes later I've gotten the dye ready after mixing everything, I may need some help so I'll have to go find Dan.

"Hey dan?" I said walking around the flat a bit.

"In the lounge." He called out, I headed up the stairs and into the lounge where dan was.

"Could you possibly help me a little?" I asked Dan looked up at me and noticed a bit of hair dye on my forehead and got up to help me.

"Let go." He said, he set his laptop to the side and we walked to the bathroom so he could help me dye my hair.

Once we were in the bathroom dan put on the gloves that the hair dye kit came with.

"Ready?" He said holding the bottle of hair dye in his hands.

"I guess so." I replied, he put a little of the dye in my hair then sitting the bottle aside and starts rubbing it in.

"Are you leaning into my hands." Dan asks laughing.

"Possibly." I replied laughing as well.
He continued to rub the dye into my hair and I was still leaning into his hands.

"Don't be alarmed Phil but I may have accidentally got some hair dye on your neck and some dripped on your shirt." Dan said panicking a little.

"Here let me try to get it off." He said grabbing a wet cloth and attempting to get the dye off of my neck.

"Dan." I said as he continued to get the dye off my neck.
He looked up at me and I looked down at him, I grabbed his hand that hand the cloth in it to get him to stop because it was fine.

"It's fine." I said.

"I'm sorry, it's just hair dye stains easily and you wouldn't want a black neck would you?" He said laughing.

"I guess not." I replied still looking into his deep chocolatey brown eyes.
I don't know what exactly happened next but all I remember is one of us leaning in and closing the gap between us. Dan began to run his hands through my hair which still had hair dye in it, but that's when I pulled away.

"Dan, let's get my hair washed out then you can kiss me properly." I said breaking away from the kiss.
Dan agreed to this, we began to wash out the dye from my hair then attempting to dry my hair decently.

"Now where were we." Dan said beginning to close the gap between us again.

A/N: it's been raining since I got up at like 5:30 this morning, and it's about 9:30 now so hopefully it will continue raining so school will let out early because flood YAY. I actually love rainy days tbh it's just so calming and peaceful especially when drawing and writing/reading when it's raining.

(follow my art account on Instagram @/Kenzie._.doodles)

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