FBI Phan

488 21 6

Summary: Dan and Phil are FBI agents and they try their best....
word Count: 322
Warnings: None
Dans POV:
Who knew we would end up working for the fbi, I mean we're trying our best but this is still complicated.
Maybe they should have just hired our subscribers from all those years ago.
Currently we're on a crime scene and uh Phil seems to be a little lost.

"I don't see anything." Phil says, turning and looking at me. I crossed my arms and looked down.

"What do you mean you see nothing," dan pauses catching Phil's attention. "THERES A BODY RIGHT THERE!" Dan says and Phil looks at it disgusted.

"Okay, Maybe I wasn't cut out to do this job." Phil says now walking back to where I was.

"Let's just figure this out." I said shaking my head and walking over to the police officers.

"Find anything?" The police officer says.

"Other than a dead body over there, no." I reply.

"What was wrong with the body, like any wounds of possibly being shot or stabbed?" The officer asks.

"There seemed to be a gunshot wound in the chest Maybe a few stab wounds as well." Phil says.

"Well take care of that." He says.

"That was a wild dream." I said sitting up out of bed, what was that.

"What?" Phil says.

"I had this crazy dream that we were working for the fbi and it was questionable.

"Have you been watching Phan Proof videos again?" Phil asks.

"Haha sure." I replied, I was going to try to go back to sleep now. Probably not I'll end up waking up again then get on tumblr and stay there for hours.

A/N: I don't really feel like writing, this ^ happens when I don't feel like doing anything.
Also I posted a new sketch to twitter @ Wayywardhowell it's my pinned tweet you guys should go check it out.

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