7 Years

520 27 15

Summary: based on the son 7 years but I'm making it RLLLY Happy then RLLLLLLLY SAD sorry in general I haven't done a sad one in a while so here's this, but the next one is cute and fluffy so it'll make up for this

Word Count: 701
Warnings: SADNESSSSsssssssss in the end at least

Dans POV:

7 years:
Hello, I'm Dan and this is my best friend Phil. He's a year or two older than me but that's okay. My mum and his mum said we could still be great friends. We met each other on the playground at school, he fell off the swings and I helped him up to the teachers.
He didn't break his arm but it's bruised a little bit.

Phil's POV:
11 years:
I think I may like Dan, we've known each other for a long time now and I think it's finally time I told him that I like him. Everyone else thinks he likes me too but there's no other way to find out unless I tell him. We're sitting in my room studying for a science test at the moment so it's just him and I.

"Hey dan?" I said catching his attention from the flash cards he was studying.

"Yeah?" He said skimming through the cards.

"I um, I really like you." I said, great real casual Phil.

"Same here." He replies in the same tone.

"No, I don't just like you as a friend, I like like you. I love you." I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I know, I love you too." He said, he then leaned in and slowly started kissing me. After that, we decided on being in a relationship together then tried to get back to studying.

Dans POV:
20 Years:
"I do." Phil says.

"I now pronounce you husbands you may now kiss." The priest says.
With that being said, I placed my hands on the sides of Phil's face and his placed his on my hips. Our lips met shortly after and everyone cheered.

"We're married!" I said after we pulled away from the kiss.

"We are." He replies then kisses me again.

Phil's POV:
40 Years:
Just a year ago, we moved into a forever home and adopted a dog, we didn't think that a kid would be good for us since were both problematic and wouldn't be able to take care of a child.
We've finally gotten the house we've been trying to get for years, and a dog it's a corgi since we spent a week debating on a shibe or a corgi.

Dans POV:
60 Years:

"Everything is going to be okay." I say rubbing my thumb over his hand as he's lying in the hospital bed.

"Please don't leave me." I said, he was sleeping.
I had tears streaming down my face.

"Phil you can't do th-" a long monotone beep. He was gone. Tears quickly started following out of my eyes and down my nose then landing on mine and his hands. The doctors came in shortly and cover his face with the blanket.

"Goodbye Phil." I said before walking home.

Dans POV:
70 Years:

Life was great, Phil, The dog, our family. But now my time is coming to an end. Phil has been gone ten years. It's been a miserable ten years of my life without my best friend and the love of my life.
Everything suddenly went dark, I was falling but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. It kept getting closer and closer as I fell. While falling all my memories came back, I began to look younger as I fell. I look like my 26 year old self, He was there. It was Phil, he's here too.
I ran over to him and hugged him. I was back with my best friend and the love of my life.

A/N: I'm trying to choke back tears as I write this I hate writing sad stories but we haven't had one in a while plus it was happy in the end.....sort of.
Anyways sorry for messing with your feelings. It'll probably happen again in the future.

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