Something we wanted to tell you

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Summary: (about the thing from dans livestream) they announce phan is real

Word count: 446

Warnings: N O N E

Dans POV:
As you all know we've decided to tell everyone something for a while now. And I said 'finally decided to tell you after a long time' because it's a personal reason. We've just uploaded the video and we couldn't be happier with our decision.

Fans POV:

I was sitting in my room anxiously waiting for dan to upload the video he was telling us about on Tuesday then what Phil said about it Thursday. I'm honestly in tears already, I've been waiting for this all week I've been extremely nervous.

My phone lit up and the sound of my notifications went off letting me know that someone I'm subscribed to uploaded.

"Finally!" I shouted instantly clicking on the notification from where dan uploaded.
The video was titled 'Exciting Announcement' so I was flipping out already.

"Hello internet" dan greeted, "As you all know, we've decided to finally tell you all something." Dan said pausing to let Phil talk.

"Please don't flip out too much." Phil said smiling.

"Phil, you know they're all going to flip out." Dan said looking over to Phil.

"True." Phil said.

"Anyways, we've decided it's finally time to tell you all something that's a really big deal." Dan paused.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dan said looking over to Phil again flashing the 'heart eyes'

"I'm sure." Phil replied.

"Okay, the big news is...." Dan paused then there was a jump-cut.

Many pictures started going across the screen. Pictures where it appeared phil had proposed to dan, then one of their first kiss, then a video.
It was a small video where it was the gaming channel, dan had accidentally kissed Phil on camera and then said "edit that out". And so on, I was legit crying by this point.

"That's right. If you're literally in tears right and couldn't see the pictures well just say that phan is real and this is our coming out video. Goodbye internet." Dan said then him and Phil waving goodbye and ending the video.
I was now in tears, I was happy I really don't know what to do.

Dans POV:

"Do you think any fan girls had a heart attack?" I asked looking over to Phil.

"Wouldn't doubt it." He said before kissing my nose and continuing to watch American horror story on the tv in his room.

A/N; this is basically my theory put into a story minus the part about graphic design, but some ppl think that he said 'graphic design to change the subject.

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