Phan Texts (Part 1)

514 26 8

Summary: (I'll do more of these through out the book) Idk how to summarize this
Word Count: 791
Warnings: None

Phil: What?
Dan: I'm bored
Phil: Okay?
Dan: please help, it's boring in here
Phil: how should I help
Dan: we get a Doggo
Phil: dan no
Dan: Dan YES
Phil: ...
Dan: we need a dog!
Phil: don't, the landlord wouldn't allow it
Dan: we could hide it
Phil: that wouldn't work.
Dan: fine.
Phil: what are you doing atm?
Dan: editing why?
Phil: just asking.....
Dan: what'd you do?
Phil: .......nothing....
Dan: Phil
Phil: Okay fine,
Phil: I may have accidentally outed us on Twitter by posting a draft tweet just too see how the new emojis looked and it was related to our relationship but the thing is there was a picture too and now everyone knows.
Dan: WHAT?!
Phil: haha gotta go
Dan: WHY?
Dan: I wasn't ready but I'll forgive you
Dan: I'm over it now
Phil: good
Dan: well, guess we should make a video explaining.
Phil: yeah probably
Dans POV
*Snapchat: from Phil*

I groan as I open the app and let things load.
It starts off as a few pictures of Phil slowly inching his way into the screen.

Then a picture of Phil waving with two fingers like I normally do in videos.
"Hi." Was the caption.
The next: "so my name is [Dan]" was the caption on the next.
I get out of bed and walk into the lounge where he was in the pictures.

"This is cyberbullying!" I say tickling him.

"Dan st-Sthap!" He Says laughing uncontrollably.

"Apologize." I said still tickling him.

"I'm sorry for using hello internet to wake you up!" He Says, I stop tickling him and sit up on the couch. Minutes later Phil is tackling me on the couch and began tickling me.

"HOW IS THIS FAIR?" I say laughing just as much as Phil was.

"It Just is." He Says laughing at me.
After calming down we both sat on the couch and just smiled then let out the final laugh we had.

"I love you." I say smiling.

"I love you too." He Says then leans in and kisses me softly.
Phil's POV:
Dan: P
Dan: H
Dan: I
Dan: L
Phil: what
Dan: Ur mum
Phil: :/
Dan: Wait
Phil: what
Dan: walk to the gaming room.
Phil: why?
Dan: just do it.
Phil: Okay
Phil: I'm in the gaming room, now what OH A NOTE.
The note read 'Go to the kitchen'
Dan: Follow the directions on the notes
Dan: do it, you'll be glad you did.
Phil: fine.
Note 2: 'Go to the lounge, look on the tv'
Note 3: 'Go into the hallway and follow the path.'
I went into the hallway and there was a rose petal path leading to Dans room.
I opened the door to see dan in a black tux and a candle lit dinner.

"You shouldn't have." I said walking over to him hugging him.

"Well it is our anniversary after all." Dan says.

"Yeah, we've been dating for a whole eight years." I say and kiss him softly.

"Alright now lets eat." Dan says.

"Did you cook this?" I ask, he nods in response.
After eating Dan stands up and walks out of the room to take the plates into the kitchen.
He dropped another note.

Note 4: 'Follow me to the kitchen, Happy anniversary babe. I love you.'

I did as the note said and followed. When I entered the kitchen I was met with dan down on one knee and a velvet box open in his hand revealing a shiny silver band.

"Today makes 8 years since we've been together, it's been the best and the happiest eight years of my life. I couldn't have anyone better to spend it with than you Phil. So will you marry me?" He Says.

"YES YES OF COURSE!" I shouted. I was smiling so much that my face hurt. He stood up and put the ring on my finger before kissing me softly.

"Thank you for the best day and best eight years Phil, you really are amazing." Dan says then kissing me softly once more.

"Thank you for everything dan, I couldn't ask for a better friend, boyfriend, fiancé and soon to be husband." I say and bring him in for one last kiss.

A/N: there will be a part two dw it's sooner than you think. Idek what this is I feel like it's bad but idk.
Ps it's Tyler's bday he's 29 and he liked a tweet on twitter last night and I'm not okay what does it mean?

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