Box Forts

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Don't you just love packing boxes? Yeah me too. No this is hell, I didn't even know we had half of this stuff, where did it all come from?
I still haven't found all of my missing socks, I swear sock goblins are real.

"I'm tired of packing!" Phil groaned, laying down on the floor from boredom.

"Same here." I replied putting some old pictures from the shelf in the box.

"I've got an idea." Phil said now standing up and walking over to the empty pile of boxes.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see." He replies stacking multiply boxes on top of each other. Some of these boxes are huge they were probably for blankets and bedding.
About ten minutes later, Phil was finished with whatever he was doing.

"Tada." He exclaimed in victory.

I turned to see he has built a box fort, I stood up and walked over to where he was.

"Sit." He said pointing to the floor next to him.

"You're such a dork." I said sitting next to him laughing.

"I'm your dork." He replied kissing my nose softly.

"Alright lets get back to packing." I said going to get up but Phil stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"But were King's of the box castle." Phil said giggling.

"Fine." I replied sitting back down.

"Okay now what?" I asked now sitting next to Phil.

"How about this?" He said, then leaning into to kiss me but actually ended up messing up my hair and running away.

"What was that for?" I asked laughing and chasing after him.

"Dragons are invading we've got to run!" He said laughing.

"Phil you're such a dork I'm not even kidding." I replied but playing along anyways.

A/N: so I wrote this the other day, but Wattpad didn't save it so I had to rewrite. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K+ READS!

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