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I tried Okay?
SUGGESTED BY @_pegacorn_
Dans POV:

Everyday, well mostly everyday I will get up and get on tumblr. The fans have said some of my old reblogs on tumblr are weird and make them concerned about me. It's just weird, but tumblr is weird okay.
I'm pretty sure that Phil is in the kitchen making pancakes. He likes making pancakes for breakfast a lot, mostly when we're out of cereal. Speaking of, He woke up in the middle of the night maybe three in the morning and went into the kitchen and ate my cereal.
It doesn't bother me that he does but he doesn't ask about it.
I've decided to sneak up behind Phil in the kitchen.

I walked into the room and wrapped my arms around Phil from behind.

"GAH!" He shouted in surprise.

"You scared me." He replied after I let go and he turned around.

"Sorry." I replied laughing.
Phil then took the spatula and put pancake batter on my nose.

"What was that for?" I asked wiping it off of my nose.

"I don't know, you scarring me." He said.

"Alright, I'll leave you to make pancakes." I replied getting ready to walk out of the room but Phil stopped me.

"You could help, if you want." He said, I agreed and helped Phil make pancakes.

While eating, we ended up watching American Horror Story and some other shows that were on.

A/N: I tried to do a cute fluffy everyday thing, still cute but not super fluffy? Anyways I 👏🏻 Hate👏🏻 My👏🏻 Life👏🏻 sometimes.

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