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Summary: yes a p!atd+phan chapter! How long ago should I have done this? I mean I've done tøp. But now p!atd
Word Count: 626
Dans POV:

One of my favorite bands since I was younger is Panic! At the Disco, other than My Chemical Romance Panic is one of the top three. Tonight Phil and I are seeing them in concert just in time of our five year anniversary. We have plenty of time to get ready it's only ten in the morning, so we have enough time to sit around and do nothing, we don't live too far from the venue either we could walk if we wanted.

"Phil?" I say knocking on his door, I had woken up before him today. He groaned so I went ahead and opened the door. I walked over to the edge of his bed and laid down beside him.

"You don't want to sleep the day away so you?" I said and he groaned again.

"Cmon Phil, it's our anniversary." I said, he opened one of his eyes and looked at me.

"How could I forget?" He Says.

"I don't know, I mean we've been living with each other for a long time and we've been dating for a while, BUT today is important." I say.

"Dan, it's too early to give reason for things but I know." Phil says laughing.

"I guess you're right." I said laughing as well. We lay in silence for a little while longer just admiring each other, then decided to get up and have breakfast.

A few hours had passed and we were ready for the show, after containing our excitement we made our way to the venue. It wasn't a very big venue so that means it will be a small show or at least a decent sized crowd.
The most boring part is waiting in line and anxiously waiting for the show to start.
The line didn't take long to get through since we were there early, plus we were lucky enough to get front row.

About twenty minutes later a countdown began, it started at five minutes and counted down to when the show began. It started with singing Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time, it's not my favorite but it's still good.
A few songs later it was Golden Days which was one of my favorites besides a few from Pretty. Odd.

"Dan?" I hear Phil say, I turn my head to look at him and he's holding a box in his hands.
The song was also still being sang along to by the crowd.

"I think we've known each other long enough to where it's finally time to do this." He Says and opens the box, I Cover my mouth with my hands.

"Will you marry me?" Phil asks.

"YES!" I shout nodding, Phil puts the ring on my finger and pulls me in for a hug only to break away moments later and kiss me.
Tonight was possibly one of the bests nights of my life.
Once the show was over and we were in the cab on the way home, Golden Days played on the radio. Phil and I looked at each other and smiled, another reason why it's one of my favorites is because I always think back on how everything began, the tour, the fans, Phil, this, everything is perfect and it makes me happy to know everything will be fine from now on.

-and I've been listening to the live album all day and wow it's amazing

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