Mistletoe Kiss

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Summary: dnp upload a pic and of them kissing under the mistletoe on Christmas Day
Word Count: 461
Dans PoV: (I should write in Phil's POV but I'll do that later)

It's Christmas Eve well it's basically over now, tomorrow Phil and I are planning on coming out to our audience. We've been trying to decide on how, obviously it's going to be a picture and not an entire coming out video. We just can decide on how the picture will work.

"I've got an idea." Phil said breaking the silence.

"Go on then." I said.

"Okay, tomorrow is Christmas and most likely every couple is going to be doing something cheesy with mistletoe somehow." He paused.

"And?" I replied, "why don't we post a picture of us kissing under the mistletoe like one of those cheesy couples." Phil says.

"It's a good idea, take the picture tomorrow morning and post it or later that night?" I ask.

"Early in the morning means we'd still be in our pajamas but later that night we'd be dressed nicely so what do you think." Phil says, he wants my opinion on this, oh wow um I don't know.

"Maybe in the morning I feel like the people would like that." I said.

"Giving the people what they want." Phil says laughing.

"Definitely." I said laughing as well.

The next day which was Christmas, we decided we were going to take the picture early in the morning instead of later in the day.
We both ended up waking up at around nine in the morning, which isn't too early or late for Christmas.

"Ready to take that picture." I say walking into the lounge, phil was sitting on the sofa on his laptop.

"I guess." He replied sitting his laptop to the side and meeting me by the doorway since that's where we had the mistletoe hanging.
We took the picture somehow, it wasn't to great of a picture since our eyes were closed but other than that it turned out decent.

I decided to post it to both twitter and instagram with the caption as "Merry Christmas from the love of my life and I to you." Really cheesy but hey when aren't Dan and Phil being cheesy.
Mostly all of the people were flipping out and the other half awh-ing at how cheesy that is.
Christmas is off to a great start.

A/N: I really feel like doing nothing mainly because I've been up since 6AM. Anyways I think that this is the last Christmas chapter because I'll be busy on the 24th and 25th with family.
**AND i would rlly appreciate it if you'd go retweet and mention dan in my pinned tweet(its art), my twitter is @ wayywardhowell

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