"Know who else is beautiful"

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Summary: Idk how to summarize this, it's not sad tho
Word Count: 384
Warnings: none
Dans POV:

Some nights in London are nice, that is if it isn't cloudy like it always is. Tonight was perfect, it wasn't cloudy, wasn't raining, the temperature is just right. Tonight, Phil and I decided that we should go out to the park and stargaze. We took a blanket to lay on the ground so we could lay down and look at the sky.

"Thanks for bringing me out here." Phil says.

"No problem." I replied taking his hand in mine as we were looking for the right spot to lay.
After searching for the spot to lay we finally found it, it wasn't too far from the entrance of the park but was about right in the middle.

Once laying the blanket down we both lay on the blanket and huddle up to each other to try to keep What warmth we can.
Phil had his arms wrapped around me and my arm was loosely draped over his stomach and my head laying on his shoulder.

"Wow I never knew this could actually be so beautiful." I said.

"Know who else is beautiful." Phil says.

"Who?" I reply.

"Guess." Phil says smiling as I tilt me head to look up at him.

"Hmm, Me." I said smiling but trying to hold in a laugh.

"Exactly." Phil replies.

"I think you're beautiful too." I said smiling, after laying there just taking in the moment for a few minutes we sat up and decided to talk a little.
I was getting a bit sleepy so I rested my head on Phil's shoulder.

"M'Sleepy." I said getting more tired by the minute.

"Want to head home and go to sleep." Phil asks and I attempt to nod with my head on his shoulder.

"Alright, let's go." He Says, we both stood up and picked up the blanket then walked home. Once we did get home we headed straight to bed I mean it was about midnight so sleep was needed.

A/N: I feel like today is going to be one of those days where I'm just really depressed and just not want to talk to anyone. Idk why, I just woke up this morning and felt not like myself.

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