Christmas Cuddles

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Summary: they cuddle and watch Christmas movies most of the day

Dans POV:

Today is one of those days where you just want to lay inside and do absolutely nothing, but it's not like I do that just about everyday. Unless I've got to edit a video or film or make food. Other than those things I'll probably be lying on the couch resting my head on Phil's shoulder or in his lap as he messing with my curls.

"What did you want to do today?" Phil asks playing with my curls.

"I'd just like to stay inside and watch Christmas movies, I mean it's snowing and it's finally December." I say.

"Okay then, which Christmas movie?" Phil asks. I know that nightmare before Christmas is like Halloween and Christmas but cmon it's seriously a good movie.

"How about nightmare before Christmas." I say smiling.

"Okay, that's one that I know we both love." Phil says, I move away so that he could go put the movie in, as he does that I go into the kitchen to make some popcorn because it's not a movie unless you've got snacks.

"Is that popcorn that I smell?" Phil says making his way into the kitchen.
He wraps his arms around me from behind and rests his head on my shoulders.
I turned around and now his hands were placed on my hips.

"You know this is my favourite thing about movie nights." I say then place my arms around his neck.

"Me too." He replied smiling, we both began to lean in and just as our lips softly brushed against the others, the microwave beeped.

"Great way to ruin the moment." Phil says laughing.

"For real though." I replied then getting the popcorn out of the microwave.
After fixing the popcorn into a bowl I went back into the lounge to lay on the sofa with Phil and watch the movie.
The way we're were laying wasn't too uncomfortable but just right for both of us to stay warm but still be able to watch the movie and eat some popcorn.

Once the popcorn was finished the bowl was sat on the coffee table and we tried to adjust to get a little more comfortable. Phil had his arm loosely draped over my side and my head was just barely under his chin.
Shortly the movie was coming to an end and my eyes suddenly began to shut, it was a little late and I was tired.

"Goodnight Dan." Phil says and kisses the top of my head.

"Night Philly." I mumbled.

A/N: well I dyed my hair it was supposed to be brown-black but it looks black. AND my YouTube just hit 900 subs yesterday and I'm like 1 or 2 from 1,000 so if you aren't subscribed my channel is @ WayywardHowell and it's just as much Trash as this book is

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