Family Breakfast

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Summary: Dan and Phil have two kids and they're lost in to mush as dan is cooking dinner and they turn on music and perfect plays then Phil looks to dan and they smile and the kids look confused and then they explain that the song played at their wedding and they dance to it and the kids say it's gross
Word Count: 771
Warnings: none but I think this is cringe.

Lillie's POV:

ITS FINALLY SATURDAY! Which means today is the day pa said we could help make breakfast, as in my brother and I. My brothers name is Thomas, he's really weird for a seven year old, I'm eleven so I'm not much old than him. Anyways I've been awake for an hour trying to go back to sleep but it's not working. I decided to just get up and head towards the lounge and see what time it is, 9 IN THE MORNING! We're going to miss breakfast, I'm waking them up right now. I ran back towards Thomas' room.

"Hey Thomas, let do wake up our parents it's nine in the morning we'll miss breakfast." I say shaking him slightly

"But I need sleeeeep!" He groans.

"But food Thomas FOOD." I say, he turns over and faces me before groaning again and throwing his blanket off of him. Over waking up we head towards our parents room to find out they were still sleeping.

"You take pa I'll take dad." I whisper and he nods.

"WAKE UP!" I shout running towards Dad.

Dans POV:

I wasn't actually asleep, Phil on the other hand....probably he decided to stay up past midnight and watch corgi videos. The man wants a dog.

"I wasn't actually asleep." I say to Lillie.

"Well help us wake pa up." She Says.

"Phil, wake up. It's family breakfast day." I say and he groans.

"See what did I tell you, 'stop watching those videos and sleep because you'll regret it in the morning.'" I say and quote what I said to him before I went to sleep last night.

"Fine, I'm awake I'm awake." He Says.

"Good morning Thomas, good morning Lillie." Phil says after putting his glasses on.

-I'm skipping stuff because it's 5AM and I don't feel like writing.

Now in the kitchen we got all of the stuff we needed, we planned on making pancakes or waffles. Probably pancakes though.

After a few minutes we began mixing things together and making the first pancake.

"This is so boring! Can I play some music?" Lillie asks.

"Why not." I say and hand her my phone from my pocket and she shuffled my music and turned up the volume.
A good thing about Thomas and Lillie, they like the same music as Phil and I do they don't complain to much about what's played in the car on the way to places.

A few songs later and only two pancakes made, an old song that brings back many memories began playing. Perfect by Ed Sheeran began playing.
I turned my head to Phil and smiled, he smiled back and me and walked over towards me.

"Ew what are you doing." I say.

"Love is weird." Thomas says.

"This song played at our wedding, it was one of my best days of my life." I say and turn back to Phil who is swaying back and forth as he's hugging me from behind.

"Then What was the second best day?" Lillie asks.

"Adopting you two, and the next best day will be the day we finally get a dog." I say.

We all talk a little more until we remember the pancake that's cooking on the stove.

"Do you guys smell that?" Thomas says.

"PANCAKES!" I say a bit loud and quickly run towards the stove to fix the problem. Everything was fine though, and family breakfast wasn't ruined.

A/N: sorry I've been gone for so long....oops. Anyways I haven't felt like writing that's why this is so late, but as of right now it's currently 6 in the morning and I woke up with a rlly bad sore throat and my nose is stuffy so I'm probably getting a cold. I hope it's not Flu B because that's the rlly bad strand of the flu and I've already have Flu A. ALSO
IF YOU LIKE BTS THEN I MADE A YOUTUBE JUST FOR IT, obviously I can't link it here because my main channel is here (I could but I'd rather not)
Anyways I also have a separate insta account for it @/infinity_jimin you can find the channel link there.

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