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Summary: Dan and Phil's kid gets sick
Warnings: None
Word count: 850 (mainly because of the authors note ;-;)
Phil's POV: (finally)

Today wasn't going great at all, when I got up and went into the lounge I noticed that we had left the window cracked open all night (that's probably why it was so cold) then we were out of cereal, and now Lizzie has woken up with a terrible cough and a fever. Dan and I are going to take her to the doctor later but he's still asleep and I'm trying to get Lizzie to tell me everything that's wrong.

"Lizzie, if you want to feel better you're going to have to tell me what's wrong." I said, she looked up at me from the other end of the sofa before couch hung a couple times.

"Well, I'm coughing my head off, I have a fever and I'm chilling but I'm not cold." She explained.

"Alright,  I think you may have the flu but the only way to find out is to go to the doctor." I said and she nodded, she doesn't really have much trouble with doctors like most kids do. Lizzie actually thinks the doctors office is interesting because of the work that they do to help people.

"How long have you been awake?" Dan says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he walks into the lounge.

"Since about 9:30, Lizzie is sick and we're going to have to take her to the doctors office." I said, Dan nodded and went to eat breakfast and then get ready. Lizzie and I were already dressed since she got up at about the same time as me.

While waiting for one of the nurses to call Lizzie's name back we mostly just sat on our phones to avoid any social interaction.

"Lizzie Howell-Lester." The nurse called, Lizzie stood up then looked back and Dan and I and we followed. Normally the nurses won't let the parents go back with the children which I don't think is a vey great system at all.

"So what been going on today Lizzie." The nurse asks opening the tab on her laptop.

"Well, I have a fever, I'm chilling, and I'm coughing a lot." She said.

"Alright, well I'm going to take your temperature an check your blood pressure then we'll swab you for the flu Okay." The nurse said and Lizzie nodded.
She did what she had too and then went back to see if she actually has the flu or not. Normally it takes around ten to fifteen minutes to get the test results back.

Exactly fifteen minutes later, the nurse came back with the test result.

"Well, the test came back positive so we're going to send you home with some medicine to get you feeling better. And to the parents if she gets any worse just bring her back in and we'll do a follow up on that." The nurse said, only about ten minutes later we were able to leave and Dan was making jokes about how Lizzie needs to stay away from him while she's sick.

"Dan stop making crosses with your fingers." I said laughing a little.

"I just don't want to get sick." Dan says.

"Well you live with me so you're probably going to get sick." Lizzie said.

"How fun, I'll live. But I should be fine." Dan says.

"Who knows?" Lizzie says going towards him.

This continued until we got to the car but it was all just joking with each other and having fun. Other than everything thats happened today this was by far the funniest.

A/N: It's currently 7 in the morning it's still dark outside I'm the only one awake and I've been up since about 5:30 in the morning. I took medicine last night to help me sleep but did that happen NO I WOKE UP AT MIDNIGHT and every hour leading up to 5:30 Idk what it is I just can't sleep.
Also Christmas Eve was p good, my aunt got be both of the mcr hoodies from hot topic so that's good and I got AFYCSO on vinyl along with TWTLTRTD and my sister got blurryface and vessel.
Speaking of my sister, this may be funny or gross but it mentions blood skip to the ** if you don't want to read it

Okay so yesterday we were getting presents out of the trunk of the car, and the trunk isn't normal it's more like a hatch. But it was raining and she had stuff in her hands and tried opening it and it slipped, I thought she had gotten it open all the way but she didn't and my shut on my finger, it didn't get my pointer finger but my middle finger and it tore the skin off and it was bleeding really bad. After that my hand wouldn't stop shaking for like 2 minutes and it burned p badly.

sorry for such a long authors note I've just got a lot to say,
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE and if you dont celebrate Christmas have a nice day

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