Hobbit Hair

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Summary: Phil hides Dans straighteners to get him to keep the hobbit hair
Genre: Fluff?
Warnings: none
Word Count: 398

Dans POV:

Could this day get any better? Why is this happening to me? Why is life doing this on this day? I've got an important meeting with Radio one later, but no life has to play a joke on me with me misplacing my straighteners.

"Where are they?" I Said out loud while rummaging through my drawers in my bedroom.

"Where's what?" Phil said as he was passing by.

"My straighteners." I said still looking through my door.

"Haven't seen them." Phil replied then walking into his bedroom.

I continued looking through my drawers then gave up in there and decided to check the bathroom.

"Why?" I groaned as I failed at finding them.
I went into the lounge and plopped down onto the sofa. I tried retracing my steps throughout the apartment but they're anywhere to be seen.

"Why don't you just keep the hobbit hair today?" Phil suggested.

"Because I've got an important meeting with radio one." I replied.

"Well I may know where your straighteners are." Phil said, I looked over at him and nodded. Phil left the lounge and I followed, he went into his bedroom and moved a few books from his bookshelf revealing my hair straighteners.

"Did you hide these?" I asked picking them up from the shelf.

"Maybe." He replied dragging out the word.

"Why?" I asked laughing.

"Because the hobbit hair looks good." Phil replied touching one of the curls in my hair.

"Well, I'm going to go fix my hair now." I Said going to leave but dan grabbed my wrist.

"Will you keep the hobbit hair just for today?" Phil asks.

"No phil." I replied.

"For me? Please." He said doing the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, But if you hide my straighteners again I'm going to hide all of the chocolate and marshmallows." I replied.

"Deal." He replied.

A/N: oh no I'm in dance class again. Haha help me hopefully it'll just be the people I'm used to dancing around and not the other class that's in here because I'm gonna die If it both of the classes in here. And I need to try to write longer one shots, like I said previously W R I T E R S B L O C K

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